[Brodie] Meet the candidates

Day 379, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mr. brodie

I really can't be ased to write an article today, so don't blame me if it's not the amazingly high standard as usual.

As y'all know, elections are on the 5th, and we get to decide who runs the country for the next month. A lot of shit flinging has happened over the last few days, nothing that serious, just parties trying to make the opposing candidate look worse than he is.

I've decided to write an article on each of the candidates, I'm hoping it's unbiased but it's really a matter of opinion if you believe me or not. I messaged each of the candidates asking them to send me a short PM of their achievements/past responsibilities, etc... Each of the responses are from the candidates themselves, so I'm not putting things in myself. I'll give my view on them afterwards, I'll try and only be positive but at the same time, I'll be honest to what I think.

Firstly, Mr. Dishmcds:

Age: 12 Months
Skills: Vary

Secretary of US Defense(resigned towards the end of the US/Canadian War)
Vice President of the US
President of the US
Congressman in the eUK
Minister of Trade of the eUK
Prime Minister of the eUK
Shareholder of eRepublik's biggest Corp

Beginning life:

Started in the US, by creating the Department of Defense as the first Secretary of Defense. Spent 4 months there, and moved to Vice President of the US. Spent two months (1 and 3/4 months), and was elected President.

As President, I was responsible for the setup and oversight of the Citizen Expansion Program, US Unemployment Office, founded a proper Economic Advisory Team, Foreign Affairs Department, and the basic set up that continues to this day, in what has become the largest country in the eWorld.

When I retired from the US Presidency in August, I moved to the UK. I joined the UKRP, and was chosen for the Ministry of Trade in the September and October terms. I was responsible for coordinating the Raw Materials introduction (which has kept RM on our markets up until now), the SBA to help struggling businesses, revamped the NHS, Commons, and Lords. I'm also principle in 85% of all issues that are not only raised but passed through Commons.


Well, Dish. Where do I start. This guy has proven himself to all, out of all the candidates he has the most experience in the widest range of areas. He gets things done and usually with a good result. His CV isn't looking that bad (not as good as mine though XD ), Dish has commitment and works things through till the end. He probably spends far too much time doing things that only need a small bit of work, but it's worth it. Me and Dish don't always see eye to eye, but I sort of admire him, sort of. He's made a big impression on the UK, and is arguably one of the best Presidents the country has had, and we've had some big contenders. A vote for Dish is a vote well spent, but don't take my word for it. Read ALL the candidates manifestos and vote for the policies that suit you best. That's what I'll be doing, I hope you do too.

Secondly, Mr. Bremer:
Age: 7 Months
Skills: Vary

Minister of Finance
Regional Council President
Ambassador to Portugal and Brazil
Mayor of Wales for a total of 4 terms in a row
Congressman of the eUK for 6 consecutive terms
Chancellor of Exchequer for 4 terms.
Member of the Paratroopers elite division
Owner of the Empire Weapons.

Bremer's first contact in the world of eRepublik was working for a food company owned by Peter Green. Earning a meager .80 GBP per day, after just a short time he met a man named twat-ers, who showed him he was earning what was considered sub-par wages. He also learned to join the UK forums, and became more involved, learning that there was more than the simple two-click involvement through them. Reading through manifesto's, he decided that the Peoples Communist Party most suited his tastes, as he decided they represented nothing close to the Real Life communistic views the name signified. Yearning for more to do, he decided to enter the political race. He chose politics over business, as it was, at the time too expensive. His first stop was campaigning for Mayor, which led to a victory over then-Mayor Meadows, whom Bremer criticized for being too inactive and unworthy of the office. Winning handily, Bremer has been the longest running (and last to be elected) Mayor of Cardiff. Credits during his tenure include the Welsh Citizenship Scheme, Welsh Council, and various contests for prizes to keep his citizens involved in local decision making. During the July terms, Kaleb retained his office as Minister of Finance, but Bremer studied him closely as an Apprentice (or UnderMinister). In the August term, he took over the office.


Over the last few days, Bremer has been accused of a lot, but I don't want to go in to the details. Bremer has help many major positions in the UK, and has added to almost all discussions. He has proven himself for the people, by constantly helping newbies and aiding those in need. Bremer was especially good as Mayor of Wales, gifting those even when not needed. He gets into high positions within the UK and proves himself worthy. He has experience in the Military and the Economy, fighting for our great country and owning the countries best selling company. Bremer is by no means a bad candidate, when you get to the voting box, don't listen to what others say about the other candidates, go with who YOU want. Remember, a lot of negative propaganda goes on around election times, I suggest you ignore it, and go with what the candidates say, let them win your vote, don't let others tell you who to vote for. I wish Bremer good luck, and hope that the propaganda doesn't affect him too much.

Thirdly, Mr. Tommy Tommasino

Age: 1 Month
Skills: Vary

MDU membership officer
Party Manifesto write
Major newspaper contributer
The youngest of all the candidates (in terms of e-rep age)
Has good foreign relations, especially with the Italian government

This guy is the newest candidate. He may not be very well known, but he sure is serious about the job. He will continue to excel through the eRep world, as long as he carries on the way he has been. I don't really have a lot to mention about him, but he's not a bad candidate, give it a few months and I'll see him with a half decent chance. Unfortunately, in my opinion, I think he's too in-experience in the game to become President, I wish him the best of luck in the future though.

Alright, I'm being lazy and can't be bothered to write anymore now, come back tomorrow, and I may have added some more about general voting. This is from my point of view, and isn't biased (hopefully).