[BHPR] June Public Budget followup....

Day 1,663, 17:40 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood
From a barstool at ‘El Chico’s’...love all you can eat TexMex...
Soul Sacrirfice ~ Santana Woodstock 1969
...anyone have some medicinals rolled...?

The Naive One

Over on the eUnited States Forums Inwegwn is calling for my censure for revealing in game a public thread on the Congressional Budget Office forum, a public forum anyone may read. In the thread Censure for revealing the Public Budget, Inwegen accuses me of aiding our enemies by revealing our public budget; I am going to ask that my readers meander on over there and read the thread and come back here.

The Young One

America, this is the kind of leaders Pfeifferism produces. Israel Stevens, who can’t turn around without screwing up; and always blaming someone else -this time its Admin. Inwegen, who is so naive he thinks a known enemy Country President isn’t going to spy for his country, that they would not going directly to the CBO forum to check out our ‘public’ budget. Both of these citizens were handpicked by Henry ‘Pheiffer’ Arundel and the USWP ‘sock puppets’.

Both of these citizens, IMO, have not only embarrassed America they have also shown the world how naive and tactless they are; I promise this enemy CP has been laughing at the eUS Fourms since gaining access. These citizens pride themselves on their secrecy and then simply hand the keys to an enemy Country President. Party President elections are coming up and my advice to America is, ‘Choose your leaders wisely, America.’

Elephant: A mouse built to Government specs....

On a lighter side here are answers to some comments from my last article, The June budget, it’s your money America...

Israel Stevens Day 1,662, 21:13
7h 32m ago
‘This isn't even worth my time to respond to.

If any non-tinfoil-hat-wearing American wishes to speak with me, the Speaker of the House John Largo, or ANY Senator, I trust that their inboxes will be more than accommodating.

I know that mine will be.’

I will compliment you on the ‘Ask the President’ thread and point out that except for a certain citizen the response have mostly been constructive. Sad you had to spoil it by calling me names. However, I wrote this article in game in order to avoid you or the SoH from either locking the thread or moving it to the ‘private’ forum.

Israel Stevens Day 1,662, 21:19
7h 26m ago
‘It has nothing to do with importance. It has to do with a basic lack of understanding of how the budget works.

He says that Line 5 and 7 should be merged. The RW fund and gold tanking fund? Those aren't even the same, and serve two completely different purposes.’

First, why should America start RWs when our enemies keep them open against us all the time. Second , both of those lines do the exact same thing, deliver damage to the battlefield.

‘He also doesn't understand what line 7 is for, at all. We're not paying people to go out and get BH's that's stupid. We're paying people to drop MILLIONS of damage where we NEED it.

...and by dropping ‘...MILLIONS where we need it.’ they earn medals, no matter how you word it a select few citizens get that gold and get those medals; on American tax gold.

John Killah Day 1,662, 21:19
7h 26m ago
’Seems you want to eliminate the majority of the budget. Things like the RW Fund, Infrastructure, Tanking Fund ... are you really blind to what they're for?.

RW Fund - Start RW's in enemy colonies as damage drains. So simple.’

Kaigefoh Day 1,662, 21:49
6h 56m ago
"Line U5. Resistance War Fund $ 210,000

Agreed. What is the purpose of this fund? Our enemies' territories are always in a perpetual state of resistance wars, and at this rate of 10k per RW, that means we're opening 21 different RW's?

I don't get the purpose of that considering we're not even trying to win the actual wars we're supposed to be fighting anyway. Besides, doesn't this also fall more into Terra/Eden jurisdiction anyway

Even simpler...let our enemies start them at their cost, they will still be damage drains and free. I also agree that if such an RW fund exist it should fall under Terra and every Terra member should be paying these cost.

‘Tanking Fund - Incorrect, it's offering money to people to use their damage in vital battles instead of doing what the majority of us do and horde for said BH's and Ch's’

So you are saying let them horde their weapons, then give them gold to buy even more so that a select few can deliver the ‘damage where we need it’. Sorry, but again no matter how you word it, line U7 is a fund to allow high strength citizens to get the medals; instead of spreading it out so that as many citizens as possible can build their strength. Besides the ‘tanks’ you are currently giving gold to can more than afford to buy their own weapons, plus it would help the economy.

‘Infrastructure. Yes, it's a risk, but are you telling me you'd rather horde that cash than try to inject it into the USAF to try and improve their damage etc?

I might be able to live with this IF there were any kind of guidelines on who gets funding. My suggestion is something like OMS to allow ALL citizens to apply for and receive this funding.

’Also, it's hipocritical that you ask for some lines to be diseminated into what's bought etc, then ask for some lines to be combined AFTER they were diseminated specifically so we could tell where the money was going.’

Those are either/or scenarios and in no way ’hypocritical , if the Government is willing to ‘disseminate’ the information; fine. If not, then again I support their removal all together.

rainy sunday Day 1,662, 21:31
7h 14m ago
Line U2. see Line 9, p much the same deal
Line U10 Interior line eliminated? They already rely on on private donations to cover any shortfalls. If anything, they should be increasing the budget for MoW, B4N and any other entry point programs Interior Dept. can come up with. I think that's not quite as easy to provide since it's not based on any hard fixed group membership numbers - Interior help requests can fluctuate significantly depending on day of week, holidays, media & meta-game attention, etc.
there is a B4N thread open for public review @ eusaforums.

Actually, combining all three lines into one Department of Interior funding would be acceptable. The B4N thread is one of the few ‘noob’ programs which actually works. MoW, AA and others simply benefit citizens who happen to be around here or on IRC when the Government decides to open them up.

Kaigefoh Day 1,662, 21:49
6h 56m ago
"Line U7. Gold Tanking $ 200,000 (~100g)

Disagree, but should be itemized and thoroughly explained. I'd appreciate knowing that my tax money is being spent on Joe Tank with 18k strength and God of War, and not Paul Toothless with 5k strength, Lieutentant status, and warm hands in the senator's pants.’

Disagree, any such funding should be going to the lower strength citizens to aid them in getting stronger, more strength equals more damage; building a bigger pool of stronger citizens is much more advantageous to America than a select few citizens adding to their already enormous strength. Again, most ‘tanks’ can afford their own weapons.

rainy sunday Day 1,662, 22:12
6h 33m ago

’Line U9. DoD Orders Votes $ 25,200
This would not even be necessary had the Top 5 not been brought back, but oh well..."

DoD orders are an issue of themselves, but it may come about to be a matter of just implementation to cut back this particular part of the budget. DoD Orders might be better done if the same article is edited a second time, in order to avoid needing extra votes.

It might help by instead paying individuals with high friend counts to shout the link.

Bia Pandora Day 1,662, 22:16
6h 29m ago
"and it might not hurt to reward citizens who leave a comment."

This is a GREAT idea! Listen to the lady.

Add to this, back when the JCS ran the DoiD it was put into branch orders, and troops were expected to vote it up, after all they did receive supplies paid for by the government. Surely there are more than 36 troops in the USAF that could provide some help for the absurd amount of supplies they receive daily. That would be at least 100 votes, no?

This is so simple... and yet rainy and Bia were the only two to suggest it...make it required for receiving weapons that a soldier must commune, vote for and comment on the DoD orders; however re-editing would be more acceptable -problem is that it would still be a daily expenditure...

Bartender, Kentucky Bourbon, neat...

I am Dru Blood and I may be crazy, but I’m just saying...
it you money America...!

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