[BDP] Contest and Updates

Day 1,102, 20:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

Hello fellow citizens and welcome to another exciting update from the British Democratic Party

Earlier this week BDP Recruitment Director, Elvis Trout, proposed a quick contest for anyone below level 13. He has offered a prize of a whopping 100 GBP to the person who can answer first! Okay, here it is: What name connects “Limpopo” and “Exceedingly”? Now, to ease up confusion, he also asked that a hint be given. Your hint is “cake.” The first person to PM [Private Message] BDP Recruitment Director, Elvis Trout, with the correct answer will receive 100 GBP courtesy of Elvis on behalf of the British Democratic Party, so put on your thinking caps!

Over the past month the British Democratic Party membership has soared upward thanks to an awesome recruitment team, a fantastic Party President John Rupert Miranda, friendly and fun-loving members, the Party Coffers and glorious BDP Cabinet members. All the BDP advertisements you see up and down the right side of your screen when you’re clicking around eRepublik are payed for with the Party Coffers.
We have excelled to the 4th place in the top 5 political parties of the eUK with an impressive 73 members. If you'd like to see this enormously successful recruitment campaigned continued, donations are needed.. If you happen to have extra gold to spare, the British Democratic Party would greatly appreciate some of it so that the fine work you’ve seen can be continued. Please donate to the British Democratic Party Hub as opposed to the British Democratic Party.

Also, we want to congratulate to Riptar, Tomazim and Benni Hill for their victory on parliamentary elections.

Connor West
Chief of Public Affairs, BDP