[BDP] Congressional Candidates for January

Day 1,162, 04:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

The British Democratic Party is very excited to announce our Congressional candidates for the month of January. They range all the way from former Party Presidents to new players eager to get involved, and we can guarantee that each will be an asset to Parliament if elected. Our 8 candidates for January are as follows:

John Rupert Miranda
Yorkshire & Humberside
”It's been almost half a year since we started off from 0 and I'm glad to say that we are getting a wonderful team of MPs every term in the House of Commons. The British Democratic Party is proud for what we have achieved so far and we are still working very hard for the people, BDP is the best option apart from the two biggest parties of the eUK. I look forward to having a 5th term as Member of Parliament.”

Viscount Nelson
Northern Ireland
"I'm pretty new to the game (started just last month), but have been very devoted in learning as much as possible about it as I can. I positively adore the eUnited Kingdom, and I would love to see a UK where even the newest, most inexperienced Britons can thrive and feel welcome on the forum. Also, I'm not a fan of the Republic of Ireland being on the map."

Connor West
South East of England
"Level-headed, objective, and open-minded, everything you could want in a Congressman. I’m running in the South East of England for my second term in Parliament. With a record of activity and objective voting, you can be sure that I will continue to serve you well in Parliament."

Connor Sarll
North East of England
"I joined eRepublic around September last year, since then I have learned alot.
One of them is knowing to have fun and doing work at the same time.
From seeing other leaders, it has encourage me to do the same and be a leader.
I hope to be in congress for it will be an important step in my eRepublic life."

South West of England


East of England


That concludes our list of candidates. Remember, vote BDP for Parliament. Britain Deserves Better!

Connor West
Chief of Public Affairs, BDP