[BDP] Congress Results!

Day 1,071, 15:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub

The British Democratic Party saw their best congressional results this term and it’s all thanks to the valuable members of our party that quickly helped out, so a BIG thank you goes out to them!

We got 4 members in congress, this beats RFA’s 2 congressmembers, this is an amazing result considering that RFA have more than 2 times our members.

I would also like to congratulate The Unity Party on their outstanding 20 seats in congress this term! From everyone in the BDP we send out huge congratulations for this achievement.

Our congress members are:

mortalbeta representing the East of England

filombeh representing Northern Ireland

Terribletiger representing the South East of England

And our glorious Party President…

John Rupert Miranda representing the West Midlands

From all of us here in the British Democratic Party, thank you for voting for our candidates and we look forward to serving you further in the future.

BDP Congressional Director

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