[Banach]~~An Obvious Solution to an Obvious Problem~~

Day 1,176, 07:42 Published in Canada Canada by Banach

The Problem?

We seem to be getting a lack of active MPs is the parliament as of late and many have already raised the issue of minimal attendance not being met as a failure of this parliament's legitimacy and the failure of the electoral process.

Fair enough indeed, if we're electing individuals who can't be assed to show up and vote, then we've fucked up hard.

Here's the thing though, this isn't a crisis or unsolvable task. In fact, its easy. Or it should be.

The Solution.

For one, to tackle the issue of bad candidates falls to the party first and foremost. Don't blame the electorate because for the most part, the electorate IS uninformed and will vote along party lines. That's the reality of the game. If you disagree, go play neopets or something.

Like I said, the party should control those who run on its ticket. It is a concept called party discipline and if you lack it, you belong at the bottom of the spectrum, and not in office.

Each candidate should be approved by the membership and cleared to run in a region. Surprise candidates with no platform should be automatically blacklisted and the party should clearly get the message out that these are not true candidates.

It is the responsibility of each party leaders to thoroughly plan their parliamentary campaigns in order to present only the most qualified, active and efficient candidates for parliament. Make sure they have platforms, make sure they have experience in the game, make sure they are active and on the eCanada forums.

Simple checklist right there. If they meet it, go ahead and support their legitimate run on behalf on the party.

Next, an added feature pioneered by the CPF actually.

Before (or after if you trust your party members) they get elected to Parliament, require that they give a portion of their GOLD back to the party. This signifies commitment and will weed out stupid people/noobs who think this isn't a job, just a one day event to win GOLD.

If done before, every candidate has to pay up. If they get elected, they lose the money. If they don't, send it back to them. In done after, make it on a contractual basis. If they win and don't pay up, blacklist them from the party and let other parties know about their douchebaggery.

What else Banach? Tell me more.

Right. On the note of party discipline, a real proper feature is the party whip.
For some reason, as I have previously lamented, the party politics have gone to shit and people regressed on ideas and concepts that were once common place.

Each serious, dedicated party should have a party whip. This would be a member of parliament that was elected. His/her task is to "motivate" (bitch at) other MPs to show up to votes and vote (along party lines or otherwise). This is an indicator of organization and will lead to results in the Parliament in your parties favour. So get a whip. Seriously. Now.

Another Idea...

Aside from a whip, there should be a way to message and contact MPs concerning votes. Weekly/bi-weekly PMs and Top 5 Articles from the government explaining the current situation in Parliament would be fantastic or the public and for lawmakers.

In the eCanada forums, one could hold mid-term roll calls or reviews of MP behaviour and attendance/activity held by a third-party that would be published on the forums and in the media.
This can praise good MPs and stigmatize bad ones. It will provide the public with a progress report on the people they elect and may influence party leaders and future voters.

Right on.

See, it wasn't so bad. Just takes a little innovation and thought.

I welcome any additional comments/criticisms/suggestions!

Good luck and good day.

