| Asking the right questions |

Day 476, 18:13 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

My fellow citizens,

As some of you know one of my campaign objectives was to raise the value of the THB.
That has been done to some extent and I am happy with the current value of the THB ( around 1G = 100TH😎.
But as I said before that costs money and gold.

Thats why I think that it is a good idea to downgrade the governments DS company to Q1 and get 85G from it. There is only one working employee left and we have no need for another DS. There are no buyers in the market for new DS and I dont feel so good about dumping money into something we wont be using.

So I'm asking all of your opinions on the subject. Should we do it?


I also want to announce the start of the program, cleverly named, "Money for the People".
Basically this programs gives monetary compensation for eThai citizens that bring new citizens to our country.

Details about the program:

Name: Money for the People
Objective: To bring new citizens to eThailand
Description: Once a eThai citizen "convinces" a citizen from another country to move to eThailand (and that citizen actually moves to eThailand), he must send a PM to the "Thailand Embassy" Org with the country of origin and the name of their "sponsor" (the eThai citizen responsible for their immigration to eThailand). Fifteen (15) days after the PM is received, and if the new citizen stayed in eThailand, the "sponsor" will get the 100THB reward.
Every eThai citizen can be a sponsor with the exception of the Country's President and the staff of the Recruitment Department.

Because this is the first month of the program I'm throwing in something extra.

Has a bonus I am paying (from my own money) a prize to the person that brings more citizens to our eCountry.

The prize will be 5 Gold.

The minimum number of citizens brought to eThailand to qualify for the bonus is 3.
This means that even if you are the person that brought the most people to eThailand if you didnt brought more than 2 new citizens you wont receive the bonus.

If someone brings 10 or more new citizens to eThailand they will automatically get 5 Gold.

The last day of the contest will be on the 4th of April.

I'll be a happy man if I go bankrupt because that means we would have a lot of new citizens. 😉


I'm still waiting for the our citizens to send any idea they would like to see implemented in our eCountry.

President of eThailand