(Archived) World War, eIreland, The IRP and a Severin Appeal

Day 606, 07:56 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
[Archived. Authored by Severin]

Twas a while (well a few days) since I wrote an article to the public and they are a few things I would like to address: eIreland's current situation and the world war, Irish Radical Party progress and I want to make my own aspirations here very clear. I will try to keep this brief...

First off, I would like to thank some in the current administration (you know who you are). While I may not agree with some of things put forward at the very least, some effort is being made to rectify our current dire situation (hopefully we'll see more public announcements). That said, I don't withdraw anything I previously wrote and I am still very skeptical of the activity of some in government.

We need to band together as a nation and quite frankly it is worrying watching people lose hope or simply dropping out. In these dark times you should be asking what you can do as a citizen for eIreland and we should be working together. Washington has fallen however the eUS has many, many more regions and their population is booming (cite the Hungarian win over Romania). It would be irrational to declare PEACE will win at this very early stage and even more irrational for us to consider joining them.

Dark Times
As many of you know eIreland is bang in the middle of a raging world war. Despite guarantees on our neutrality we are in a very vulnerable position. Basically, both sides are trying to pull us in (cite Cork and Kerry strategic location and potential war games with the eUK). I cannot help but notice Pro PEACE articles creeping into our media (particularly that shameless article by eUK President Hassan Pesaran). As an eIrish citizen I think it is the country's best interests we remain neutral for now and I will never support us bowing to the whims of some imperialist (despite their absurd claims not to be) underhanded global alliance. The former Atlantis have used many underhanded tactics in the past however in my humble opinion PEACE are by no means any better (and they would not think twice about stepping over us for their own gain despite any assertions on our neutrality). Quite frankly I denounce the eUK's ascension onto the PEACE boat (a dishonorable and self vested move) and I assume (or hope) there are many citizens there who feel the same.

Let us not forget our eUS friends who are now in peril. The eUS do not have a squeaky clean history (cite the Atlantis era) but in recent times they have fought for sovereign nations abroad and are by no means the current oppressors. Also, let us not forget all which they have done for us. They ensured and payed for war games we greatly benefited from. Infact, they also contributed to the building of a hospital here (just in the interest of fair play). They always held on us in high regard, respected our ideals and it is a shame our relationship with them is not as high as it once was. Furthermore, let us also not forget eCanada who simply put, are the victim in this rage against the eUS (wrong place, wrong time). They like us, are a nation who's sovereignty is under threat with the exception they are currently being invaded. I am by no means advocating we join them in war (as I mentioned above neutrality is best for now). I just would like citizens here to think twice before joining the PEACE are winning (it's very early yet) let's just join them and have war again band wagon (however small). It would be a cowardly, ill advised self vested move. I do however commend eIrish citizens who have decided to fight for eCanada abroad (I know two of my fellow party members have). We a freedom loving country and protecting the sovereignty of nations abroad in is a noble cause.

All that said I cannot emphasis enough the importance of us remaining neutral.The eUS sent us a request this morning asking for temporary control of Cork and Kerry in return for military protection I voted against the proposal. This is simply too much to ask of us at this moment in time and I hope they understand that. It would put our security in grave danger. Have no doubts that if we join either side in this world war we will become little more than a bridge and our country would be left in tatters.

Éirinn go brách
We are a modest country. We have a relatively small active population, average resources and we do not have the most developed defensive structures. However, we have dedicated soldiers who would sacrifice all they have for this fair Isle, citizens proud to forever hold our flag in esteem and a charm that is unique in this eWorld. Quite frankly I have always been proud to call myself a citizen of eIreland and I do not wish to see many of the ideals this country holds dear lost, in the interest of instant gain. In these dark days we should be a paragon of hope for countries who have fallen under imperialism and those who are now war torn.

We are an independent nation, we have fended off political take overs in past, we have very capable spies and we know who is eIrish and who isn't (we aren't stupid), we should continue to flood the media with our culture and tradition, we will never leave this Island and we welcome all dislocated citizens of the eWorld and victims of war. This war is in the interest of futile political gain and is not in the interest of the wider audience (who get all the clicking fun). In short, we should always hold our own. When all the world is sick of war, we shall still be Irish.

Back to the Irish Radical Party
The party has grown a lot these last few days and we are now fourth largest party in eIreland (a huge leap since our foundation last week). In short, we are crusading into eIrish politics and it is great to see this many citizens have joined the revolution at this early stage. We now have a forum which can be found here and I encourage all members to join it (17 have already and it is really easy to join). It is an entirely public forum so feel free to have a look around (like I promised before, the IRP will be completely transparent). Furthermore, I have started up a party wiki page which can be found here. I will add more to it soon and of course it is a work in progress. Quite frankly I am delighted by the progress the party has made and I thank all who are giving us their support. We aim to foster real change in eIreland and will continue to work hard to achieve this goal. If you interested in joining, please feel free to do so here.

My Personal Aspirations
As I don't like to keep anything from the public I will make my goals for the next month very clear (granted brief, expect them outlined in more detail in future articles). I plan to run for President in August under the Irish Radical Party banner (a very early announcement I know). I have a multitude of experienced people behind me and quite frankly having been Vice President for three months I know exactly what the job entails. I do this solely in the interests of improving this country and if elected, I will completely devote myself to the role (I assure you I have an abundance of time this month and next). I am running with a small party however expect a very elaborate campaign. In these dark times I feel we need strong leadership, absolute accountability and a back breaking talented administration. The job of the President is not something to be taken lightly (not if you want good results) and it is a tough and sometimes limiting role, one which requires constant communication with the cabinet, Congress other nations and most importantly, you the public. I always felt it was an honorable service to the eIrish people and next month I humbly offer myself for the role.

Almost every month they are delays and difficulties in mobilizing government and election time/post administrations are constantly clouded by futile rivalries (I wouldn't even call them political debates). I have admittedly fought fire with fire in past and I do make my opinions very clear. That said I have no quarrels with any citizen or any party here (I'm actually very friendly once you get to know me and in pms). Infact, since becoming a Party President months ago I have always tried to cooperate with other parties and I have wrote numerous articles outlining the importance of unity and cooperation. If elected I have no problem in admitting I'll be a tyrant. I will be down the administration's back every day (getting rid of 'dead weight') and I will constantly addressing the eIrish nation with progress (I always wanted to bring politics closer to the people). When I look through eIreland's roster I do not see political allegiances (afterall there isn't a real significant ideological difference between most parties here anyway) instead I see many talented politicians and it is shame so much talent goes to waste every month in the interest of political allies.

I have yet to mention the issues (way too early for that) however I aim to improve our defense (both from an infrastructural point of view and organizational one), our economy (we need radical innovations here), our society (through drawing in more citizens and maximizing entertainment), our government (maximizing efficiency and transparency) and most importantly our foreign relations (ensuring our continuing survival here while engaging with friendly nations). In time, everything will be outlined in detail. You are only as good as the people behind you and many things are easier said than done. The most fundamental thing I promise is action and if elected I will deliver on that promise. If you want to know what I have done in eIreland thus far (my cv if you will) check out my wiki page here.

Go raibh míle maith agat as do am is aire,