(Archived) Dude, Where's My... The Follow Up Article

Day 602, 10:23 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
[Archived. Authored by Severin]

Taught I'd write an article in response to some concerns over my previous article (lol that probably makes little sense). Before I begin let me just say there was a time when I used to speak out against flame wars, a time when I used to write much more milder articles. While trying to keep the peace here I was the victim of absurd attacks in the media and quite frankly for the last three months I was fending off insults (the thanks I got lol). It occurred to me though, this is a game and it would in fact be very boring here if there were no arguments or provoking articles to read. Thus it is my main objective here to inform and entertain you (granted this article will be a lot less provocative and no doubt less popular lol). I made my previous article provoking deliberately (obviously) however there was no manipulation of the facts. I call it how I see it and that was my honest reflection on the current administration (if you didn't like I'm sorry but I don't take back anything I wrote). So where's our President? He may be visible only to the naked eye but at the very least he's back for now. For the most part people agreed with me that the government isn't doing a good job however some criticized or misunderstood the provoking nature of the article and some felt it was too early a scrutiny. The amonth of votes it got however is a reflection upon its powerful message. I hope the administration takes into consideration the concerns expressed in the article and hope some of the 'failures' will be addressed immediately (despite what some think I do intend to give people a chance lol).

Foreign Affairs
First off the replies to my Ministry of Foreign Affairs segment. I was told by Deputy Bryan O Shea he was working hard with Grainne Ni Mhaille (a non cabinet citizen and good friend of mine) since last Thursday. My segment was targeted at the inactivity of our Minister of Foreign Affairs not Bryan nor Grainne (why should they do all they work?). That said I'd still question the activity of the Ministry (the work Bryan and Grainne done aside). I was told by more than one person that the Ministry was seeking MPPs with the US, UK and Spain. Was I supposed to applaud this? Not only would eIreland struggle financially to maintain such MPPs it would have a grave effect on our security (not to mention such 'talks' will probably amonth to nothing). In case some didn't notice, Hungary are practically at our borders and PEACE are in the midst of invading the US and Canada. And we are supposed to ally with the US and Co and join the war? Why have you (the eIrish public) not heard much from our administration regarding the recent fiasco and impending world war? They would rather you not know, they think this information is simply too sensitive for you and you should be kept ignorant (absurd considering its a game...). My previous article was criticized for distracting people from the bigger picture. Where are all the eIrish articles covering this? Mine at least spoke about Foreign Affairs and our international standing... Quite frankly I don't think external threats is a free pass to ignore serious internal issues... As a Congressman I was told, by a few, to enter our private forum and have a look at the discussions there. Quite frankly I think it is insulting the public is being bypassed like this (lol what do they take us for?). Anyway I took a trip into our forums (signed the Congress active list) and wandered into the Private Dail. I wasn't confronted with much except some bill that claims the US and PEACE respect our neutrality and promise not to hurt us (signed provisionally). A surprising thread considering I was told yesterday our administration was seeking alliances. Now we have people going around claiming there is a 0% chance the Hungarians will attack us. If you think PEACE have never used underhanded tactics in the past and will never do so again by all means believe such a claim. It is no secret we are in our own little bubble here and have very little to offer PEACE however this war could change such circumstances (all we can do is make assumptions for now). This is reporter is keeping his eyes peeled on the war and hopes the public will be giving actual updates on the situation and our Minister of Foreign Affairs and President start pulling up their socks where international affairs are concerned.

Severin, Is It Too Early To Be Scrutinizing Our Government?
Of course not (lol last month I was scrutinized before I even took over my role as MoD). Like I said many times now, scrutiny is a key element of democracy (this is not a fascist state). If you think our government should be left do what they want for the month then by all means let's wait until the end of term to start complaining. If you want a better administration now then make your voice heard now (politicians should be kept on their toes not ignored). I kindly kept my criticism to myself (I do like to give people a chance) but when our President went missing I simply had enough. Furthermore, I do not like it when people criticize, promise change and then do nothing (in fact do a lot worse than the people they criticized in the first place). The eIrish voters were promised the world. 1/3 into the term a long list of promises go unfilled and very little has been done. I am fully aware some things take time to get off the road but there is no excuse for inactivity (not when you are running the country) and ignorance to the public (especially considering accountability was the biggest promise made). I want to see accountability and activity now (it is the very least the public deserve from those in power) and I do not think my concerns were harsh or unfair. Only time will tell whether the government will address my concerns.

Severin, Why Do You Hate Deputy and Junior Ministers?
Despite what some think, I do not hate Deputy and Junior Ministers nor is it my objective here to undermine them or the work they do. I recognize they are some Deputy and Junior Ministers who are very active, dedicated and genuinely care about their jobs and eIreland. Not all of them are of the same standard but they are some shining stars in our cabinet (who perhaps deserve to be Ministers). That said I also recognize they are some who do practically nothing. The government should cut down on the size of the cabinet and I believe a better system could be put in place to educate a greater number of citizens (thorough Ministerial updates would be a good start). Furthermore, I think it is unfair that some Deputies are doing the bulk of some Ministers work. Incompetent Ministers should be promptly fired and competent Deputies promoted. Surely citizens could help Ministries without having to be ordained onto the cabinet and credit could be giving to them in articles (even future recommendation). To me this gives more citizens a chance to get involved but these are just my humble opinions of course and I will, in time, outline in greater detail what cabinet structure I'd like to see in the future.

So Back To The Irish Radical Party...
Just when people taught I wasn't politically motivated... I apologize for interrupting my series of articles explaining the party. It wasn't my initial intention to write an article slamming the current administration however at the end of the day they are apart of the status quo. Some have asked for me to stop complaining against the government and start proposing some ideas for change... The article I published yesterday was the only time I complained and this would hardly be an appropriate time for me to start campaign for a new administration (the next presidential election isn't for another 20 days...). I could give them suggestions but I can't work with inactives and I don't plan to overthrow the government before the election (that wouldn't be very democratic and they deserve a chance to redeem themselves). For the moment I intend focus the bulk of my time here to the IRP. Once the party has been established I will begin the next crusade and will further outline our ideas for eIreland (expect real change and radical proposals). I have already outlined how the party will be different to other parties in eIreland and I am in the midst of creating a forum/wikipage. For now I encourage members to bear with me and expect regular progress and updates over the next week or so. The IRP is still growing fast and we are almost the fifth largest party in eIreland (impressive considering the party was founded a few days ago). If you want to be apart of the revolution for real change at this crucial initial stage please join here. We'd love to have you and would very much value your contribution to the crusade.

Thank you once again for your attention and time,
Severin, the radical of eIrish politics.