(Archived) Dude, Where's My President?

Day 601, 07:56 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
[Archived. Authored by Severin]

Citizens of Ireland,
I am writing this article due to many requests sent at our address. We are facing perilous times, perilous times for the entire eWorld, but let’s not forget about this small island called Ireland , for it faces as many troubles on the inside as it does on the outside. Can’t follow? Don’t know what I’m on about? Well, allow me to guide you through it, step by step…starting off at the beginning of what was supposedly going to be a term of ‘change’.

1. The Cabinet?
Promising a full turnaround of the government, Starks Hayter and compatriots had much to live up to. First thing a new government does when taking office, is establishing their cabinet. The first disappointment arrived early, as the so called beacons of ‘change’ managed to copy the EXACT SAME cabinet structure as used by the previous legislation. They might argue that the structure was a good piece of work, however, if so they shouldn’t have built a campaign based on Change! if they arenot up to the taskand are incapable of coming up with a better system.

2. Smells like Partisan Pie!
If we take a look at the Cabinet, you might think ‘oh, this looks very diverse with many different viewpoints’. It does look like that doesn’t it? However, when we take a closer look, or if you have a trained eye, you will notice that ALL the positions of real importance (no offense to the Minister of Information and Community) have ALL been awarded to ISRP members, whom not all are that prominent if I may add. Junior Ministers and Deputies hold little real political power and can pretty much be seen as glorified secretaries unless they have a person with real leadership and mentoring capabilities above them, which in this case they do not, making them somewhat irrelevant. This is, by far, the MOST PARTISAN government that new – age Ireland has ever seen! Let’s look at the facts: They are about 190 IUP members, 115 ISRP, 65 IFP, 50 IF, 30 FF and so on. The ISRP accounts for less then 25% of Irish party membership yet the ISRP got 50% of all cabinet jobs. Let’s exclude the Deputies and Juniors, the ISRP control 5 Ministries, the IUP control 2... Last month it was 4 IUP, 2 ISRP (bear in mind the IUP had almost twice as much members than the ISRP) and 1 Theus. The month before that it was 3 IUP, 3 ISRP and 1 IF. They called us partisan and promised you the eIrish voters, change? They lied!

3. Intelligence?
Now I was under the impression, that in order for an Intelligence Agency to be successful, they had to be able to go about unseen, not kicking up too many dust and avoiding attention, in order to get their hands at more sensitive and in – depth information, that a normal recognisable person would not be able to get without arousing suspicion. This was a great idea, preached again by the people of ‘change’ if this idea wasn’t ALREADY implemented many legislations back and was STILL in effect. The people running this agency however have never been disclosed and will never be disclosed in order for them to retain their public status. My question is, what point is there in making our Intelligence Agency publicly known (certainly not to improve our international standing…), even adding in the names of the ones responsible? Either you wish to sign their death sentence or you wish for the Ministry to go inactive (which it may already have) and had only thrown it in there to make it look like you are innovative. What is the point of this ministry? It certainly isn’t gathering any intelligence and its ‘functions’ could be easily carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (provided it has an active MoFA…)

4. 10 000 IEP for deskchairs?!
Another issue the current Cabinet has problems with. Overstaffing (a problem our esteemed President himself expressed concerns about but went ahead with it anyway). For example, is it really necessary to have 5 people working on Finance? Even with 5 people, they manage to deliver a worse job compared to past legislations. This little detail I will elaborate in a point that you can find a bit further in this article. Nearly every Ministry has 3 people working in it, not all are all that active or don’t even have an actual job to do, other than getting their name in the Cabinet release . It worked fine in the past, why did they feel the need to add more people? Perhaps more people meant more possible voters, a possible better image to the newer people in eRepublik, not knowing how the actual political system Works. All that there is left to say is that, quantity does not equal quality, as obviously demonstrated by the LACK of adequate functioning most of the current Ministries have.

5. A MoFA on a lawnchair with a Cuban cigar?
Where’s the current MoFA, Kiemar? We have yet to see any real activity coming from the Foreign Affairs department. An argument the people of ‘change’ used to criticise the previous government with was, the so – called deterioration in foreign relations. A grand mistake, made apparent by the very close and intense relations displayed between Ireland and the USA and later on, between Ireland and the UK. What still remains of these bonds? The USA is under threat and DID NOT include us in their list of allies anymore. This is a serious lapse in standing, compared to the Nith government, where we were held in high regard by all our neighbours. This decay can be blamed on a set amount of people, achieved trough inactivity and / or plain lazyness. As they say the same about love, relationships require work and time to be invested and simply can not be taken for granted, something the current Ministry certainly has done. As a reward for this, Ireland is out there on it’s own with the eWorld at war. Bravo.

6. Meritocracy? HAH!
One of the big promises made by the current government. They will decide if you are ‘worthy’ of a cabinet positions depending on merit. But what is merit? Does the concept of what real merit is not vary from person to person? This is quite obviously so, as according to Starks Hayter, the ONLY people with merit and thus worthy of a REAL minister position, are members of the ISRP. Lower positions have been awarded to other parties to keep them quiet, but they should have known better than to play down some of the outstanding politicians other party’s posses. We also have serious doubts about the level of ‘merit’ of some of the appointed people, as they have yet to prove themselves to us. We are wondering how Starks Hayter reaches such a level of understanding on how newbies think and work and establish that they are suited for cabinet work.

7. Where’s our Pot ‘O Gold?
Recently one of our more observant citizens noticed an amount of no less than 40 Gold disappear out of our national bank, Banc Ceannais’ accounts. The set amount was donated to, take a guess, another ISRP member that wasn’t born too long ago. This citizen donated the 40 Gold to a PRIVATE organisation, in order to apparently establish a Moving Ticket Company. Such a proposal can be found on the Irish Forum, yes, but nothing has been said about Ireland providing a private contractor with such a large sum of gold, WITHOUT ANY certainty that this company will remain in Irish hands, or for another matter, will be effective. In our opinion, this is a serious mistake made by the government, in allowing YOUR TAX PAYERS MONEY to be sent anywhere they please, without consulting even Congress about this matter. It’s no less than an outrage that a politician (with guerilla roots, surprisingly?) is allowed to go about with these actions and go unsanctioned. No more! So where is the esteemed minister these days? Didn’t he have some plans to turn Ireland from socialist to communist??? Did he realize his plans simply wouldn’t work or is he in hiding after this ‘slip up’?

8. Spiderwebs have overtaken the Presidential Chair!
How so? How can they? The answer is simple, our President is MISSING! President Starks Hayter of the ISRP has not been spotted for several days (he said he would only be gone Saturday…), failing to make public appearances andfailing to respond to his cabinet members! This is not only a grave infringement on the role of President, it is also extremely dangerous for the likes of Ireland in these times. As previously stated, the entire eWorld is going to war, and our island floats in the middle of it. Thanks to both our President and our MoFA being inactive, we are left without any allies. What we have gained are enemies at our borders, encroaching upon us under the false pretense of ‘games’. Any adequate politician is able to see that this is just a diversion and may prove hostile to Ireland in a short matter of time. However, thanks to Ireland having no real active government, nothing has been done about it. An inactive President is something that NO NATION can have and certainly not Ireland, not in these times. Presidents have been impeached for far less, as an inactive President is a useless President.
This is a complete outrage, that someone in his position is allowed to bring shame over Ireland, the once proud and established nation, now left alone to deteriorate. I pitty the voters who have voted for this man, but it’s not too late. If needed, call your congressman and have him press the necessary button, for the sake of Ireland, we have to do something about it!

9. The IDF? Where?
Where, indeed. Aran Tal has taken the position of Minister of Defence and has performed BELOW par. He has only made one good decision, which was pleading (begging?) to Ireland’s most established female soldier, capable of leading troops, Grainne Ni Mhaille to come and help him. So far, she has organised the entire IDF on her own, while communicating with other military leaders abroad, something the MoD, MoFA and President should be doing. However, since none of those 3 are capable of leading a nation and have an activity rate about as high as a 90 year old with arthritis, the poor Chief of Staff was left alone with this humongous job. She has done everything in her power, she is only 1 person and is to be commended for that. But this isn’t really what we are on about, now is it? What we really want to talk about is, why again does an ISRP member fail to prove his worth in a demanding and vital position? Why do they think they can use Ireland as their personal retirement fund while running the country, that so many of us love and have worked hard for, into the ground? Will we allow this inadequacy any longer? I’m nearly sorry to say this, but if you are not up to the task, resign and have someone better take over, since you are clearly incapable.

So much for the real agenda points..

Now that you have read the many problems Ireland is facing, caused by the disastrous government Starks Hayter of the ISRP has provided us with, the ball is in the people’s camp. Shall we let this band of pretenders, promisers and actors continue destroying Ireland? Or do we do something about it? The people are the ONLY real power in Ireland, ergo, WE are the ones that need to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and reach back to a government that is capable of handling dangerous times and may still save something of Ireland, now that we still have something to call Ireland. I will not be silenced, although the ISRP has already attempted stopped a citizen from making an article like this to protect their inadequate President, the citizens of Ireland have the RIGHT to know.I hope that the people who have voted for Starks now see that not everything is what it seems, until a certain reporter decides to hold his tongue no longer and rattle the cage, hoping to wake up the government or even better, wake up the people and -to use the famous words, many of you may recognise them by now- CALL FOR CHANGE!!

P.S.: Many thanks to the people who helped greatly in writing this article. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did when working together with you.

How About Real Change For A Change!