(Archived) A New Political Horizon In eIreland!

Day 597, 08:13 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
[Archived. Authored by Severin]

Despite what the title may suggest (and I love misleading titles lol), this has nothing to do with the recent change in administration. Those who read my lengthly article last week would know I made a melodramatic appeal for the political dynamics in eIreland to change (all in the name of good fun). Talking about change is easy, implementing it is the tricking part. Thus, I have decided to dastardly throw myself into the mix of my eRepublik political dreams and will now embark on an entirely new and what I hope will be a crusade as entertaining for you as it will be for me. This is where you, the bewildered reader, goes what are you rambling about now, Severin? We all taught your dreams was to run for President here under the IUP banner? Nope, to be absolutely blunt about it, that would be boring. I mean those eIreland need another month of IUP VS ISRP and CO (let's face it, where would be the change there).

A Message to the Irish Union Party
I apologize for my abrupt departure. I was Party President for almost three months now (more like 2 months and ten days in reality). While President I felt we made a lot of progress (most notably the increase in active members) however today the party faces some of the same challenges I faced months ago (some of which are manifestations of my recent absence). Despite me fighting endlessly against it, there is still an anti IUP stigma in eIrish politics (no doubt because it is the largest party here). Furthermore, the party needs to reclaim its place in Congress (with some good organization that shouldn't be hard). The forum has fallen somewhat inactive recently and the wiki page needs an updating however these are problems which can be rectified easily. I am certain the new President will do a great job (I'm assuming Digits will take over) and I wish him all the best. I very much enjoyed my time in the party and came across a multitude of interesting personalities. The Irish Union Party I feel is blessed with many level headed people which is essential in times of totally irrational attacks. I thank everyone who supported me along the way and hope the sun never sets on the party's future

Where To Now Severin?
Some of you were probably wondering what I was doing in the Irish Party. Quite frankly, it would have been a waste of money (money I don't even have) to set up yet another party in eIreland. Thus, I contacted the IP PP and asked him kindly to resign (to save 6 days of potential progress). I changed the party to the Irish Radical Party (IRP) modeled somewhat on the Radical Freethinkers Alliance in eUK (centre, anarchists). I made a provisional party logo (probably will change in the near future) and of course 'add ons' such as a forum and wikipage will come in due time. This would be a good time to introduce a future colleague of mine, former RFA Party President and esteemed 'friend of eIreland': Final Destiny

Final Destiny and Severin (huh?)
Final Destiny is a name that will no doubt be known among the 'old guard' of eIreland. He was president of eUK twice and even held an eIrish ministry in the past. People of his political experience are in short supply and I was delighted when he agreed to cross the border (like myself, he was interested in trying something new). I came across FD in comments here, from his time as Party President of the RFA and from conservations I had with Vyse (his cousin). He will be collaborating with me and the IRP these coming weeks and I hope in time he will become a household name among the younger citizens here.

No Need For An Introduction Here
Other than Nithraldur, Grainne Ni Mhaille was the only person who knew of my leaving IUP before it happened (in order to deal the least amonth of damage to a party I spent three months working with). I am certain many of you know Grainne particularly for the great work she has done with the Irish Defense Forces. I am delighted to announce she will also be collaborating with me and the IRP this month.

I firmly believe in the saying: You are only as good as the people behind you and quite frankly I am very lucky to have both FD and Grainne behind this project. A couple of others in eIreland were given a very subtle indication of my plans however they were the only two I invited to join me, thus far.

Dawn of the Irish Radical Party
eIreland has been many a time dubbed a very stable country. I would have to entirely agree with that title. They are two fundamental reasons however why I think the status quo (which has prevailed for too long) must en😛 1. eIreland could benefit from positive, realistic and radical change. 2. This is a game, doing and seeing the same thing every month isn't very entertaining (is it any wonder our population is falling...) I have said it time and time again, the only difference between parties in eIreland is the personalities that make up them. People try to imitate real life political ideologies however it would be impractical to implement one ideology in full here not to mention there is no ideological divide here in eIreland. To be honest it was always an e-dream of mine to start a party from scratch (mainly to get to know the members better) and I hope this party presents a real 'threat' to the status quo.

The party just started today however feel free to sign up here.

I will explain the IRP in more detail very soon (and our platform for change in due time, don't want anybody stealing our ideas) consider this an article just to get the ball rolling.

For now I would encourage anybody who wants to see real change to join and also people who feel the current system is ignoring or overlooking them (they are many talented politicians here who seem to stay in the shadows...)

We are neither on the left nor right politically. We shall make rational decisions based on what can be done in the game and not real life situations.

Members will be strongly encouraged to form their own opinions and speak their minds (we discourage 'yes men' and 'gang tactics'). Of course be believe in common courtesy too 🙂

Thank you for your attention and time,
Severin, your lovable Party President.