[Apollon] True situation in eVenezuela [HR/EN/ESP]

Day 2,775, 03:51 Published in Venezuela Venezuela by Apollon the Magnificent


Pozdrav svim eHrvatima, eVenecuelancima i čitateljima,

Prije nego što počnem pričat o stanju u eVenezueli. Želim se svima zahvaliti koji su donirali cc, wep, food ili bilo što drugo za pomoć eVenezueli. Možete pogledati tko je što donirao u mom prijašnjem članku.

Napokon je došlo i vrijeme da i ja kažem koju riječ o cjelokupnom stanju u eVenezueli u kojoj je trenutno. Meni je žao što će članak biti pun teksta, ali zaslužujete znati istinu. Zahvaljujem se LuisElena koja me upozorila s jednom riječju o kakvom je stanju riječ. Mislio sam da je mislila na stanje kakvo mi u eHrvatskoj smo imali/imamo, te naš balkanski mentalitet i ostale stvari koje nas „krase“. Moram reći da nije takvo stanje kao u eHrvatskoj. Vjerovali ili ne ovdje je puno gore nego što sam mislio. Uopće me ne čudi u kakvom je stanju država kad imaju vladu takvu kakvu imaju i koja je, mogu slobodno reći marioneta pro-Asterije. To ćete vidjeti i u nastavku ovog teksta.

Kako ne bi volio da ovaj članak bude nabacan sa svim činjenicama, bez glave i repa, te da mi ne budete dezorijentirani. Ukratko ću vam opisat sve kako je to uopće krenulo.
U travnju 2015. postao sam član vlade za vrijeme predsjednika Sexy Cicka. Tijekom travnja je stigla poruka od La Guayana, tadašnjeg ministra obrane kako eVenezueli treba pomoć jer su mađari imali diktatora u njihovoj zemlji koji ih je potkrao i zeznio cijelokupnu ekonomiju u državi. Svi znate da je mađarski diktator maknut. Trico je uskočio, kako je dobio MU od mađara, to ili možete zaključiti sami ili pitajte njega osobno. Okolo kruže svakakve priče. Nakon što je dobio medalju diktatora za 10 dana „vladanja“ mađari su ga smaknuli, jer je bio veći det. bonus nego ovaj sadašnji, s obzirom da je prošlo više od mjesec dana otkako je mađar bio diktator.

Nastavili smo komunikaciju i u svibnju, jer je La Guayana i tada bila u vladi eVenezuele, kao i ja u vladi eHrvatske. Onako kako bi bilo pravovaljano i dobro napravljeno da se maknu neprijatelji, točnije mađari iz eVenzuele odlučeno je da ćemo im pomoći da postave svog diktatora. No, nažalost nisu imali novaca da pokrenu diktaturu niti novac za CO. Osobno sam posudio i platio 200k cc i dao taj novac La Guayana da pokrene diktaturu kao i pokrenuo skupljanje donacija za CO. La Guayana mi je rekao da ću postati diktator nakon što on dobije prvu diktatorsku medalju nakon 10 dana, jer smo im pomogli u spriječavanju mađara da postave ponovno svog diktatora.

Nakon što je La Guayana dobio svoju prvu medalju, diktatorsko mjesto je proslijeđeno meni. Vrlo brzo je došlo do očitog neslaganja i negodovanja sadasnje vlade eVenezuele, te pitanja kako i zašto sam postao diktator. Zašto je La Guayana prekršio nacionalni dogovor kojeg zapravo nema nigdje, čak ni u pisanom obliku. Ono što sam uvijek znao i znat ću dok sam živ, a to je citat: „Ono što nije zapisano, i ne postoji“. Dobio sam poruke pune mržnje samo zato što sam stranac i što sam hrvat. Ono što sam se tada zapitao u što sam se to upetljao, zašto je meni ovo trebalo? Postavio sam si i pitanje: Zar se ovako odnosi prema saveznici, prema prijateljima koji ti žele pomoći?

Pokušao sam biti toliko iskren prema njima i odgovorio na sva postavljena pitanja. Toliko sam bio otvoren za svaku suradnju i za rješavanje njihovog neslaganja između eVenezuelanaca, jer samo se razgovorom može problem riješiti, ne pljuvanjem jedni po drugima. Ovdje bi bio kao medijator u brakorazvodnim parnicama, no eto na kraju sam kako bi rekao, ispao naivna francuska sobarica. 😃

Nakon odgovora na pitanja vlade eVenezuele oni nisu bili uz mene. Ne mogu oni meni vjerovati, niti ću ja njima.

Što mi je najzanimljivija su neke poruke clanova i bivsih clanova vlade, jer su neki dali ostavku prije par dana. Toliko sam htio zajedno raditi s vladom da nisam očekivao pitanje o ulasku u pro-Astrijski savez, točnije mislim na Nebula ili Orion. Ovo nikad ne bi dopustio, od kad znam eVenezuela je bila uvijek saveznik na eChile-eHrvatskoj strani, nikad nije bila protiv. Neki članovi vlade i bivši članovi vlade se ponašaju kao diktatori, jer bi naglo uveli državu u neprijateljski savez. Pitam se čemu to? Ili imaju neku korist od toga? Ili jednostavno ne znaju odraditi kako spada svoj posao CPa, ministara ili štogod da jesu u vladi. Mislim da je ipak ne znaju raditi svoj posao kako treba i onda biraju najlakši i najgori način od svih, državu staviti u neprijateljski savez i tako osigurati kongres. To nije način za rješavanje problema. Uvijek postoji načina, ali očito nisu razmišljali glavom, već guzi*om.

To su ovi SSovi, pa pogledajte i sami da ova vlada radi sve da uništi eVenezuelu i prijeđe na stranu Asterije, jer to dokazuje da je vlada marioneta Asterije.
Na ovoj slici piše jedno
A meni privatno u poruci piše drugo.
I još mi na kraju kaže i prijeti, jer neće biti po njegovom. Točnije, on je jedina osoba koja odlučuje u ime cijele eVenezuele i postavlja se kao diktator, a druge se ne može ni pitat za mišljenje.

Također još jedan SS bi bio dobar jer očigledno se vidi da planiraju ići u pro-Asteriju, a u zajedničkoj poruci negiraju isto.

Zahvaljujem se svima koji su lupali za obranu diktatora.

Moje mišljenje oni već znaju. Ako izgubimo ovu bitku, neću braniti državu ukoliko Asterija pokrene diktaturu ponovno za 10 dana u eVenezueli. Ako moju pomoć i pomoć saveznika nisu prihvatili, mislim da nisu vrijedni te štete koju im sada dajemo da zaštitimo eVenezuelu od ponovnog propadanja.

eVenezuela će se naći u užasnoj situaciji. Točnije dogodit će se situacija ista kao i prije nešto više od 3 mjeseca.

Toliko od mene za sada.

Zahvaljujem se unaprijed.


Greetings to all eCroatians, eVenezuelans and other readers,

Before I start talking about the situation in Venezuela. I would like to thank everyone who donated cc, weps, food or anything else to help eVenezuela. You can see who donated it in my previous article.

Finally there was the time for me to say words about the entire situation in eVenezuela. I'm sorry that the article will be filled with text, but you deserve to know the truth. I would like to thank to LuisElena who warned me with a single word about the situation in the country. I thought she meant to what we in eCroatia had/have, and our Balkan mentality and the other things what "decorate" us. I must say that it isn't such a situation as in eCroatia. Believe it or not here is much worse than I thought. I'm not surprised about the situation in the country when they have this kind of government such as it is, I can say they are a puppet pro-Asteria. You will see later in this text.

How I would not want this article to be piled with all the facts, without the head and tail, and not to be disoriented. I will briefly tell you all how it's even started.
In April 2015, I became a member of the government during the President SexyCicko. In April, a message arrived from La Guayana, former Minister of Defence of eVenezuela that they need help because they have the Hungarian dictator in their own country that they were robbed and screwed a whole economy of the country. You all know that the Hungarian dictator removed. Trico is get in, how he got the MU of Hungarians, or you can conclude yourself or ask him personally. Around I heard all kinds of stories. Once he got the medal of dictator for 10 days "governing", Hungarians eliminated him, because there was more det. bonus than the current one, because it's been over a month since hungarian was a dictator.

We continued to communicate in May, because La Guayana was in the government of eVenezuela, as I did in the government of eCroatia. Just as it would be valid and well done to move away enemies, namely the Hungarians from eVenzuela it was decided that we will help them to set their dictator. Unfortunately, they had no money to launch a dictatorship nor money for CO. Personally, I borrowed and paid 200k cc and gave to La Guayana the money to start dictatorship and started collecting donations for CO. La Guayana told me that I would become a dictator after he receives his first dictatorial medal after 10 days, because we helped them to prevent Hungarians to put back their dictator.

After La Guayana won her first medal, dictatorial position was forwarded to me. Very soon there was an apparent disagreement and disapproval of the current government eVenezuele, and how and why I became a dictator. Why is La Guayana violated national agreement which does not anywhere, not even in writing. What I always knew I'll know it when I'm alive, and this is a quote: "Quod non est in actis non est in mundo". I got the messages full of hatred just because I'm a foreigner and a Croat. Then I asked myself, what the fu*k is wrong with me? I asked myself the question: Is this the way to treat your allies, your friends who want to help?

I tried to be as honest with them and answered on all the questions what they asked, and so I was open for any cooperation and to resolve their differences between eVenezuelans, because only the conversation can solve the problem, not spitting at each other. Here I would be like a mediator in divorce proceedings, but that's in the end I said, I turned out to be naive French maid. 😃

After answering on the questions to the government eVenezuele they were not with me. They can'ot trust me, nor will I do for them.

What the most interesting to me is a messages the members and former members of the government, because some resigned a few days ago. So I wanted to work together with the government I didn't expect the question of joining the pro-Astria alliance, precisely mean Nebula or Orion. This would never be allowed from me, as long as I know eVenezuela is always an ally of the eChile and eCroatia, eVenezuela has never been against us. Some government members and former members of the government to act like dictators, because suddenly introduced state in a hostile alliance. I wonder what this is? Or have some benefit from it? Or simply they don't know how to do their job as CP, ministers or whatever they are in the government. I think they don't know how to do their job properly and then choose the easiest way, and the worst of all, put the country in a hostile alliance and provide a Congress. This isn't the way to solve problems. There is always a way, but obviously they didn't think their head, but they think their as*es.

Here are SS's, so see for yourself that this government is doing everything to destroy eVenezuela and join to the side Asteria, because it proves that the government is a puppet of Asteria.
In this figure, writes one
And in my a private message, he says another thing.
And he finally said and threatened, because it will not be in his way. Specifically, he is the only person who decides on behalf of the entire eVenezuele and acting as a dictator, while others can't even tell an opinion.

Also another SS would be good because it is evident that they are planning to go to pro-Asteria, and a joint message they denying the same.

I would like to thank everyone who fought for a dictator in revolution.

My opinion they already know. If we lose this battle, I will not defend the country if Asteria start dictatorship in the next 10 days again in eVenezuela. If my help and the help of the allies they didn't accepted. I think they aren't worth the damage what they now get to protect eVenezuelu of re-deterioration.

eVenezuela will be in a terrible situation. Specifically it shall be the same as the situation a little more than 3 months.

Until the next time.

Thank in advance.


Saludos a todos los eCroatas, eVenezolanos y a los otros lectores,

Antes de empezar a hablar sobre la situación en Venezuela me gustaria agradecer a todos aquellos que donaron cc armas comida o cualquier otra cosa para ayudar a eVenezuela Uds pueden ver quienes donaron en mi articulo anterior.

Finalmente tuve el tiempo de decir algunas palabras sobre la situación en eVenezuela. Me disculpo por hacer un articulo con texto pero ustedes merecen conocer la verdad. Quisiera agradecer a LuisaElena quién me advirtió en una frase sencilla sobre la situación en el país. Pensé que ella se refería a lo que teníamos en eCroacia, a nuestra mentalidad balcanica y otras cosas que nos "adornan". Debo decir que no existe tal situación como en Croacia. Creanlo o no aquí es mucho peor de lo que pensé. No me sorprende la situacion del país cuando se tiene este tipo de gobierno como es, puedo decir que son titeres de PRO-ASTERIA. Lo veran mas adelante.

Como no quisiera que este articulo sea llenado con todos los hechos, y sea desorientado brevemente les contare como todo esto empezó.

En Abril del 2015, me converti e miembro del gobierno durante la presidencia de SEXYCICKO. En Abril recibi un mensaje de LA Guayana actuando como ex MOD de Venezuela diciendo que necesitaban ayuda pues tenían una dictadura Hungara en su país, que fueron robados y que dañaron toda la economía del país. Todos saben que los hungaros fueron destituidos. Trico la obiene, como la obtuvo pueden preguntarle a él personalmente y sacar sus conclusiones. He oído todo tipo de historias. Una vez que obtuviera la medalla de dictador los hungaros lo eliminarian pues tendrían mas bono de determinacion que el actual, pues ha pasado mas de un mes desde que los hungaros fueron dictadores

Continue conversando con La Guayana pues estaba en el gobierno de Venezuela como yo en el de Croacia. Del mismo modo y como es válido había que salir de los enemigos de Venezuela, llamemoslos hungaros, decidi ayudarlos a instaurar su propio dictador. Desafortunadamente ellos no tenían el dinero para iniciar la dictadura ni dinero para CO. Personalmente le presté 200kcc para iniciar la Dictadura. La Guayana me dijo que me convertiría en dictador luego de 10 días, pues ayudamos a prevenir que los hungaros pusieran de nuevo su dictador.

Luego de que La Guayana ganara la primera medalla dictatorial, la posicion apuntaba hacia mi. Prontamente hubo un deasagrado y una desaprovación por parte del gobierno actual de eVenezuela, en como y por qué me convertí en dictador. Por que La Guayana ha violado un acuerdo nacional el cual no está en ningún lado, ni siquiera escrito. Lo que siempre supe y sabré es cuando estoy vivo y esta cita: "Quod non est in actis non est in mundo". Recibí mensajes llenos de odio soo porque son extranjero y croata. Luego me pregunte ¿Qué demonios me pasa? luego me pregunte: ¿Esta es la manera de tratar a los aliados, a los amigos que los ayudan?

Traté de ser honesto con ellos respondiendo todas las preguntas que me hacían, además de estar abierto a cualquier cooperacion y resolver las diferencias entre los venzolanos, porque solo conversando se pueden resolver los problemas, no escupiendonos unos a otros. Aquí estoy como un mediador en procesos de divorcio, pero al final me dije: Resulte ser una ingenua criada francesa

Luego de responder las preguntas del gobierno de eVenezuela ellos no estaban conmigo. Ellos no confiabana en mi y yo no confiaría en ellos.

Lo que me es mas interesante son los mensajes de miembros y ex miembros del gobierno, pues algunos renunciaron dias antes. Así que quise trabajar conjuntamente con el gobierno, no esperaba la pregunta de unirme a la alianza po asteria mas precisamente NEBULA or ORION. Esto jamás sería permitido por mi, en el tiempo que he conocido a venezuela siempre ha sido aliado de Chile y Croacia. Venezuela nunca ha estado en contra de nosotros. Algunos miembros y ex miembros del gobierno actuaron como dictadores pues de repente introducieron al estado en una alianza hostil. Me pregunto ¿Que será eso? ¿Tendrán algun beneficio de esto? o simplemente no conocen como hacer su trabajo como CP, Ministros o lo que sea que ejerzan en el gobierno. Pienso que ellos no saben como hacer su trabajo apropiadamente y eligieron la via mas fácil y la peor de todas, poner el país en una alianza enemiga y tener congreso. Esta no es la vía para resolver problemas. Siempre hay una vía, pero obviamente ellos no no la pensaron con la cabeza sino con el c*lo

Aquí estan los SS's para que vean uds mismo que este govierno lo que hace es destruir a eVenezuela y unirla al lado de ASTERIA, porque les proveen congreso y que el gobirno es marioneta de Asteria

En la imagen escribe uno:

Y en mi mensaje privado dice otra cosa:

Y finalmente el dice amenazando, que no me ponga en su camino. Especificamente el es el unico que decide en el país actuando como un dictador mientras otros no pueden dar opinion

Además otra SS que sería buena pues es una evidencia de que ellos planean irse a PRO ASTERIA y unirseles al mismo tiempo que ellos lo niegan

Quisiera agradecer a todos aquellos que pelearon por el dictador en la Rebelion

Mi opinión ellos ya la conocen. Si perdemos la batalla, no defenderé al país si Asteria inicia de nuev la dictadura en 10 días en eVenezuela. Si no aceptaron mi ayuda ni la de los aliados pienso que no vale la pena el daño hecho de los que ahora protegen a Venezuela para continuar su deterioro

eVenezuela estará en una terrible situacion. Especificamente será la misma que hace mas de 3 meses.