[Ankit007] Manifesto for Congress Elections

Day 1,246, 23:01 Published in India India by Ankit007

I am standing for the congress elections from Rajasthan.Well the current system is such that the congress elections do not actually give any power to the elected representative but here are my objectives which i will try to implement.


-Attack and conspire against those who suppress us and support those who are willing to support us.
-Currently we live on the Mercy of Other Nations.Emerging as a Super power will be a major Objective.
-Integrate the new players into the functioning of the nation which I believe is not being done at its best.
-Geographical Expansion
-Form an alliance with small countries of the eWorld to give the larger countries a tough time.

-Increasing Import Duties on a majority of products to reduce imports and the flow of Indian Currency onto foreign Market.
-Set up a Business Support Cell who will keep a look on the world markets and provide advice to our Indian Businessmen to grow their business.
-The business support cell will have leading Indian Businessmen and economist of Eindia and will form strategies to increase the export market.

-Work towards getting more Indians to erepublik by publicizing the game on other Portals.
-The party will also aim to get some prominent Eindians who have acquired foreign citizenship.

I would clarify one thing that this does not mean that will not be coming out with another party but i have not received any financial support till now so till the time that happens i have no choice than to wait.