[AMP] Rolling on through!

Day 3,773, 18:05 Published in USA USA by John Killah

What is this? No new design? Where did ya think I’d find the time to do that?!

Whelp, what is this place? Last article written was 1,280 Days ago? (That’s 3 and a half years for you … QUICK MATH!) WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?

Oh, you’re still looking? Erm, disregard the momentary daze and confusion, I’m just trying to understand what an “article” is nowadays … God my fingers don’t half type a load of drivel when I’m just sorter typing away my thoughts, anyone reading this would think I’m insane.

Yes … Yes I am.

HI THERE FOLKS! I’M BACK-ISH (Technically never left)! So before I jump into this article that I swear my boss Emdoublegee did not force me to write at gunpoint and threatening to withhold my takeaway funds … (>_>), I should probably explain who I am mainly for the sake of people who haven’t heard about me. Bear with me though, I suck at self-introductions.

I’m John Killah, oldfgt player (Not as old as say, Pfeiffer, Gnilraps or a small host of other established players that still play), but I’d say playing this game for nearly 8 years puts me in the oldie bracket.

I could go through everything I’ve done here, but it’s not hugely great so just to name the …*ahem* High points, I was a 6 Term Party President of the American Military Party when it was T5 Party as well as being part of the furniture in its leadership, and also POTUS back in February 2013 (We’ll gloss over that one though, trust me, it’s for the best). Most of my activity was based from 2011 to 2015, since when I’ve mostly been a 2-Clicker keeping low on the radar.

So, why are you babbling on in an article?

Like I said, totally not because Emdoublegee is threatening all I hold dear, I swear … (Oh dear god he just burned some of my money … THAT’S FOR MY MCDONALDS DAMNIT!)

Well, there is an element of truth to that joke. He did ask me to get out a specific article out, and that’s going to be the next part of my article today, maybe even part of a series if there’s too much to go through (Looking ahead quickly, yeah, I’m gonna have to split this into multiple articles)

Again, like myself, the newer players of this game might not know much about AMP since for the longest time now, we’ve remained outside of the Top 5 after failing to maintain our membership while the others slowed the general player base decline and SFP grew into the party it has now become. Instead of going straight into that though, I feel it’d be best to just briefly start off with a little history of AMP.

BEAR IN MIND, TRYING TO REMEMBER THE START OF YOUR PARTY, THAT YOU WEREN’T THERE FOR, NEARLY 7 YEARS AGO, IS NOT AN EASY FEAT, SO YEAH, BEAR WITH ME HERE (I can’t be like Pfeiffer and be able to recall details from that far back, my memory is SHIT)

AMP has its backstory in a heated moment during the eUS History when the eUS Military (run by the Joint Chiefs of Staff) seceded as the Official Armed Forces of the country (It was the precursor to USAF before that was disbanded) after tensions between them and Government at the time -

SIDENOTE: Talk to Pfeiffer, Jadiv, Custer, Gnilraps … people like that as they were more aware and involved in the whole situation that me. I’d suggest speaking to them all really since they represent different sides of what happened and can provided a more complete picture than speaking to just one of them. Alternatively, if you don’t want to, I’m pretty sure the whole thing is document somewhere in the eUS Forums.

During those times, soldiers in the eUS Military weren’t really allowed to be involved in the political module (As one Chairwoman of the JCS once said - “Politics is evil”) unless you were in a certain wing of the military (I believe at the time that it was the National Guard because of deployments affecting the status of people running for Congress). Many members began to coalesce into a party to represent the eUS Military (As they called themselves, outwardly they were referred to as the JCS Military) and began a push towards the Top 5.

The party was originally led by Haliman (I can’t wait for someone to put a comment going “lolHaliman!”, say what you want but at least he was the person who got me into the game) with help from people like Sir Valaro Volcrum (Later name changed to Alexander Valkor II), George Armstrong Custer, Kria Erikson just to name a few of the more “famouser” of the bunch. After reaching the Top 5, they merged together with the American War Party to further boost their numbers to put them in the #2 Spot right behind the dominant USWP.

We’ll leave it there for this article because now we’re getting to the part I was actually around with and could probably do better with for its own separate article next time.

Wait, there’s something else?

I’ve already presented to you quite the wall of text so I’ll cut to the chase, after all you guys can only handle so much nonsense in an article before you switch off.

AMP coming back was quite a moment for me and quite a few others. It has been truly wonderful to watch not only us oldies who languished in the party come back with renewed energy, but also old friends who left long ago return and provide us that jumpstart in ideas and purpose.

We’re not content with just returning to some form of activity. We have plans, we have goals, we have reason to exist again. Keep your eyes open for more articles not just from Emdoublegee and myself, you’ll see articles from all across our party providing details and plans from our party.

I’ll cut myself off there before I drone even more, and i’ll see you on flip side.

The man of Integri … who am I kidding, i’m just a joker really