№ 7 - Defence is not an article for export.

Day 55, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

An incompetent breathe of frustration is being produced by countries abroad.
"The Northern Alliance" is now formed and several countries have signed the defence pact which was started by the Irish. Member states currently include Ireland, Russia and the Swedish neighbours Norway & Finland.

The pact - which is the sum of frustrated and frightened governments - is an indirect declaration of war against Sweden and the absolute evidence of a future war, an immense war, on European ground.

However, such treaties only set off the worst of the government, military and people. Apart from bringing out the disgusting stench of frustration, fear and weakness it also defeats the purpose of independency and war.
The mere thought of defending foreign territory or having foreigners defending our own native country is ghastly. The alliance brings a dificit of morale and honour.

It's up to our government to make this decision of major importance, where the alternatives are either national pride, independency and liberty or the weed-like globalization called "the Northern Alliance".
Have in mind, it's good to trust others but, not to do so is much better.

Our relatively small army requires a huge amount of weapons at their disposal and an infinite scorn in their hearts, which can only be revealed by national unity and pride.
Weapon prices have dropped, they will probably raise high when this future war is even closer.
I encourage all Italian citizens to join the army and start arming up for a defence of our territory, the territory of the Italian fatherland.
The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable.