№ 1 - Suggestions from the Forum.

Day 45, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

So this is the first entry in my so called microblog, revealing personal thougts on the game itself and the prevailing political situation in Italy.

First off I've read some pretty good suggestions in the Forums about how to improve the game and here is some of my own reflections.

formentera6 came up with the suggestion that the invitation reward gold should be handed out on a weekly basis.
This means that you would recive one gold each week for five weeks instead of being handed 5 gold instantly.
This would obviously prevent cheating or atleast sink the cheaters.
And this is in my opinion a very smart idea which I am sure someone have already thought of. But yet, I've seen no drawbacks so admins should really consider this if they already haven't.

Another idea is to remove the invitation award completely and let people earn their gold through skilling.
"Gl0d should be recieved when you finish different stuff, maybe hitting 2.0 i a skill provides you with 5 gold, or when you sell a certain amount of things as a company owner.."
- Etweor
This is also a good suggestion which will probably make the global productivity even more effective.
I came up with this:
Just like the game textbased game Barafranca each new, let's say food rank, is harder to achieve which will make the reward more lucrative etc.

Enough about preventing cheaters for now.
Training in the army MUST cost wellness, that is if you would like to belive in Etweor.
He actually makes a good point.
"At this moment more and more hit 100 wellness wich will completly destroy all gift companies."
Not that I care for the gift companies that much, but it is annoying how easy every upper-class company managers can make it through without having to waste their money.

And then as yuriatayde intimates, one should be able to put Media on ignore, to prevent people of having the chance of wasting time reading this crap 🙂