[AMD5CP] Bigger, Badder, Stronker

Day 3,784, 17:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the eUK today is the first of the month, which begins the monthly "I am better than you at being the president" pitch that occurs every month around this time.

Now, I know what you're probably thinking and the answer is thus; if JamesW can do 5 terms as CP how hard can it be?

I know my record has been shady in the past, and I don't care. Vote for me this month. It will be better.

Now, my comprehensive plan of action for this month will be summarised in this article before I go into detail over the following days.

Accountability. This month will be open and transparent.
Politics. This month won't promote infighting. We will all work together.
Reliability. I am a sound reliable guy.
International Relations. Something we will improve upon and think upon.
Long term economic plan. The UK will prosper financially.

Foreign Affairs. Our position in this area will be reviewed.
Organisation. A big part of any administration!
Open Government. I want all of you involved!
Longevity. Who knows. Maybe I will run for a second term in a row?
Surprise. Expect many fun surprises for the month ahead.

All that is left to do is thank everyone for reading this, and I hope the respective parties consider backing me for the role of this month's Country Prescidency.

Aaron Mark Daniels
eUK MoFA, Patriot and Friend
