[Allies] First press release ! The new alliance is formed

Day 1,123, 05:16 Published in USA Indonesia by Allies Organization
Hello eWorld
Today i address you not with a motive of converting you to starism
or spreading rumors about Phoenix, or making up lies about EDEN or
even a quality article.
The actual reason today is that i want to inform you of the Forming
of something great, something so great that no one on earth would be
able to topple!

This force would be like the wind, it will destroy whatever comes in
its way, without it even being seen.It will be like the Lion, scaring
off enemies just with his roar, keeping itself strong and firm.It will
be like the moonlight, Shining the world with its purity.When angry it
scares the soul out of the onlookers.
What is it?
You must be wondering what is this thing, what is this unparalleled power?
The answer is The United YOU, the answer is You, the answer is Me, the
answer is us, the answer is "Allies"
Allies, a new super alliance, like the seven colours forming White, we will
all unite to be very strong, to be ONE! We will unite, our mission is the
cleanest ever.We desire not to attack and conquer, but to defend and prosper
the economy and actually make this a "Social" game!

We will work, and we will work hard to actually stop the hatred that surrounds the game, which i believe is mostly because of Phoenix/EDEN wars and propaganda, the dark cloud that has
surrounded the game, the cloud of unfriendly competition.I want to tell you
through this alliance, everything does not have to have so much hate instigated
into it.
We are against any unreasonable agressiveness against any country.
We respect the fact that people want to atleast "RUN" for official Positions.
We want the fullest collaboration and co-operation between member nations and

We believe the eWorld country can not use Force to implement their idea on another
We will defend our member and non-member nations if the reason of their defense is
reasonable(only for non-members)
We are not against the beliefs of any person or his nationality.
We support the cause of peace and conquering to make peace, that is if the nation
being attacked agrees.

Just because we started, we have a forum. that is erep.x10.mx
Any type of help with forums is Appreciated.Articles about the alliance are appreciated
Donations to this org for the alliance are appreciated, because the more the money we
have for this Idea, this Alliance, the more the better start we have.
What we actually need right now:
A good and dependent Forum
A good amount of starting budget, i have a big amount stored in other Orgs for Allies
but your donations are most helpful
Good articles explaining to people why they should join it
Dedicated people joining the alliance by signing up here http://j.mp/gZpBBl

We need people in the following jobs :
1-Media Mogul(Will control all the media interactions)
2-Media Mogul Assistant(The title says it)
3-Super Soldier(Will control the battle orders and the battle/wars squads)
4-Super Soldier Assistant
6-Think Tank Team(4 people)
7-Chief commander of Allies Forces
8-Economist(Control money,companies etc.)
9-Economist Assistant
10-Planners(Plan economy)
13-Graphic deisgners
(The charter will be soon published)
You can come chat to us on the channel #Allies.public on rizon server at the IRC chat
Thank you brothers, lets work for a better future, lets work for a better past!
Lets shine through our unity, lets shine through the world!!