[槐] aliao: 关于参加本届总统竞选的 声明 run for president

Day 681, 00:33 Published in China China by aliao

I was asked why I didn't publish anything yet with so many things happened these days.

Now you have one:

I would like to announce I hereby run for President of eChina.

Well, I think, you may need time to digest this anncouncement, so I leave it to you. He was shocked and said nothing for a while, when I talked to William.

At the beginning one of my friend asked me: what are your policy directions and orientation then?

I answered him: nothing for now.

In fact I know nothing about politic, enconomy and military, and have no idea about how to run a company or a government too; to say nothing of my English. I think you should say "What the hell you are doing here! Buy soy sauce and go home!"

Martin Luther King, Jr.: I Have a Dream...

What a pity, he died.

OK, he is a great man, but I want to live long and safe and wish what I say in here is not only a dream.

Once upon a time I complained to William, "why all of us have such difference with each other and cannot work as a team?" William said, because everyone is unique.

Obviously it is not a warm comfort.

We have so many great players, but many arguments. It make me very sad.

My readers, some of you know me, some don't know; some of you like me, some dislike; some of you chat with me everyday, some against; some of you saw me selfless, some saw my revenge for personal reason. Right, I have no experience of politic, economy, military, management and english, but the one thing I can do as the president is, make these exclient people as one and work for eChina together.

So, the point is:

If I become the president of eChina, I will get the support from Prime Minister Saint William, Minister of Finance zippy cr, Minister of Foreign Affairs dawenxi, Minister of Defense FireInYourHole.

I'm sure even if a stone can be the president with these people in carbinet.

前几天有人问我, 说你的八卦杂志为什么还不 出啊, 最近发生了好多八卦的事啊 ~~

OK , 为了不辜负大家的期望, 我这就来爆一个:


空白是留给你们的反应时间 , 当初我告诉威廉这个打算的 时候, 他被我雷得半天没说话……

一开始我只把这个想法告诉 了几个朋友, 其中一个人在得知我的这个 打算的时候, 他问我:你的施政措施是什 么 ? 倾向是什么?


事实上, 我对经济、 政治、 军事基本上是一窍不通, 公司如何运作, 政府机构如何一概不知, 就连英文水平也很 不咋地。 我估计你们看到这儿该起哄 了:大爷的, 什么都不会你来干什么啊! 打你的酱油去!

马丁·路德·金曾经说过: 我有一个梦想……


好吧, 我决定不引用这句话。 虽然他很伟大, 但是我现在还想好好活一阵 子, 而且我不希望这只是一个梦 想。

前一阵子的时候, 我跟威廉抱怨说为什么大家 分歧都这么大, 没法团结起来。 威廉则淡定地说, 这也是正常的, 因为每个人都 是不同的个体 , 要团结, 只能是大部分去做, 形成主流, 其中一定会有异见, 总不会 100% 都能团结 起来, 哪怕 51% 都很难得了;有两个人以上 的群体就一定有内耗。

如果这也算是安慰, 那显然效果不怎么好。

我们根本不缺能做事的人, 但是人们彼此的芥蒂那么多 , 真是让人难过。

现在看我的这篇文的人当中 , 有人认识我, 有人可能不认识;有人喜欢 我, 有人可能是厌恶;有人天天 跟我聊天 打屁, 有人曾经跟我用恶劣的手段 相互攻击, 有人见过我义正辞严, 有人见过我报私仇。 没错儿, 外交、 军事、 政治、 管理、 外语我一无所长, 我会的只有一样, 就是把这些优秀的人团结起 来, 共同为 eChina 效力。

所以, 前面扯了一大堆, 我要说的其实是:

如果我当选总统, 那么你们将得到:总理 Saint William , 财政部长 zippy cr , 外交部长达文西, 国防部长 FireInTheHole 。

我坚信, 有这么些人在, 就算是砣石头当总统都无所 谓。 所以, 死光头, 在此让我用用你的台词:背 黑锅我来, 送死你们去 ~~~~~