[槐]aliao: 11月述职报告及竞选纲领|government progress report/Nov 2009 and run for president

Day 745, 00:33 Published in China China by aliao

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第一部分 政府各领域的工作
- 本月我们将福利部和教育部合并为一个部门并增加了大量人手,加强了新人教育和指引方面 的工作,追踪新人前期的成长历程,并针对各个阶段发送不同的指导信件,再加上与福利企 业的配合,该措施取得了令人鼓舞的效果:新人存活率有明显的大幅提升。

- 在福利部组织号Ministry of Welfare下增设Q1武器厂SinoArms和Q1采集厂SinoO il,同时SinoGrain和SinoFood停止招工,将保持到员工离厂然后停产 封存。SinoFood内库存的面包将不作出售,留待食品市场波动时调整价格之用。

- 特别感谢自费将Ministry of Welfare组织号背包扩容到50格的Haferkorn.

- 信息部下属报纸eChina News.cn全面改版,划分了经济、历史、国际、国内和国民来信几个栏目在每星期的不同天数里出版。

- 设立了专门的政府发言人,将信息部下属报纸Central Finance一刊(Economic News.cn)改作政府发言人专用刊物。

- 设立了政府意见收集区,向民间征集各类意见和看法。

- 本月财政部超额完成了预期的1000G的收入计划,央行黄金储备由上个月月底的370 0G增加到了目前的5200G。

- 商业银行完成本月贷款任务。

- 经内阁讨论,由经济发展局局长deathdeity提出了用于刺激经济发展的新的石油 和小麦税率政策并获得国会投票通过。

- 与委内瑞拉达成初步经济合作意向。

- 创建了外交部专用组织号和报纸。

- 加强并增进了与PEACE、EDEN及HIRIS的沟通和了解。

- 与法国建立了友好的外交关系。

- 与印尼及俄国对内蒙事件进行紧急磋商并进行了及时处理。

- 在持续的外交努力之下,收复了吉林。

- 国防部组织和管理改革工作进行中,提出了军团编制、伤害估算、资金分配、训练计划等一 系列方面的改进计划。

第二部分 竞选纲领:下一任期的工作重点和目标
上次竞选文因为无新人计划而被人质疑,事实上我们一直有人默默地在努力,而且我认为这 需要全民的共同参与,不能仅仅依赖于单一的组织或者个人,因此
- 在下一任期内,我们将针对指导信和攻略中的不足进行改进,完善新人信内容。另外由于发 邮件工作量巨大及任务繁重,将正式建立公务员工资制度。

- 将Flash版新人傻瓜上手指南完成及将尝试组织人力撰写各种风格的推广文,并向所有 在各论坛招收新人的推广人发放。

- 在新人信中增加各国家组织号链接地址。

- 在政府论坛公告区公示所有新增国家组织号及所有部门公务员名单,以方便民众查找。

- 继续推进和完成政府发言人制度,定期举办新闻发布会,接受来自各方提问。

- 拟建立内阁在各政策推出前同时在国会论坛及游戏内报纸发布的制度,加强内阁与国会及国 民的互动,增加政府工作透明度。


- 在采取了新的石油和小麦税率政策以刺激经济发展之后,为了补偿石油及小麦厂厂主的损失 ,将出台新政策授权商行收购因此政策而不愿意继续经营的老板的石油及小麦公司并拍卖。

- 继续致力于推进eChina与世界的交流和了解。

- 加强与各国之外交关系,致力国土收复。

- 继续推行外交和经济结合的政策,扩大对外经贸关系,增加出口及加强制造业对外的竞争力 。

- 继续推进国防部组织和管理改革工作,建立一支有效运作的、有经验的国家军队。

- 增设国家军委,以应付各种突发战争状况及对战争风险进行评估,有效提高决策的及时性和 正确性。

- 增加国防部及国会之间的有效沟通和理解,尽量避免由于相互之间沟通不足导致军费案 无法通过的情况再次出现。

- 我想一定有很多人喜欢玩游戏,下个任期内我们将成立娱乐部,负责定期不定期举办各种有 奖在线游戏比赛,并向公众公布比赛结果。

昨天太困,忘了填国家目标,今天不能更改了。虽然没有了系统奖励,但是还是要手工补充 如下:

第一部分 政府各領域的工作
- 本月我們將福利部和教育部合併為一個部門並增加了大量人手,加強了新人教育和指引方面 的工作,追蹤新人前期的成長歷程,並針對各個階段發送不同的指導信件,再加上與福利企 業的配合,該措施取得了令人鼓舞的效果:新人存活率有明顯的大幅提升。

- 在福利部組織號Ministry of Welfare下增設Q1武器廠SinoArms和Q1採集廠SinoO il,同時SinoGrain和SinoFood停止招工,將保持到員工離廠然後停產 封存。SinoFood內庫存的麵包將不作出售,留待食品市場波動時調整價格之用。

- 特別感謝自費將Ministry of Welfare組織號背包擴容到50格的Haferkorn.

- 資訊部下屬報紙eChina News.cn全面改版,劃分了經濟、歷史、國際、國內和國民來信幾個欄目在每星期的不同天數裏出版。

- 設立了專門的政府發言人,將資訊部下屬報紙Central Finance一刊(Economic News.cn)改作政府發言人專用刊物。

- 設立了政府意見收集區,向民間徵集各類意見和看法。

- 本月財政部超額完成了預期的1000G的收入計畫,央行黃金儲備由上個月月底的370 0G增加到了目前的5200G。

- 商業銀行完成本月貸款任務。

- 經內閣討論,由經濟發展局局長deathdeity提出了用於刺激經濟發展的新的石油 和小麥稅率政策並獲得國會投票通過。

- 與委內瑞拉達成初步經濟合作意向。

- 創建了外交部專用組織號和報紙。

- 加強並增進了與PEACE、EDEN及HIRIS的溝通和瞭解。

- 與法國建立了友好的外交關係。

- 與印尼及俄國對內蒙事件進行緊急磋商並進行了及時處理。

- 在持續的外交努力之下,收復了吉林。

- 國防部組織和管理改革工作進行中,提出了軍團編制、傷害估算、資金分配、訓練計畫等一 系列方面的改進計畫。

第二部分 競選綱領:下一任期的工作重點和目標
上次競選文因為無新人計畫而被人質疑,事實上我們一直有人默默地在努力,而且我認為這 需要全民的共同參與,不能僅僅依賴于單一的組織或者個人,因此
- 在下一任期內,我們將針對指導信和攻略中的不足進行改進,完善新人信內容。另外由於發 郵件工作量巨大及任務繁重,將正式建立公務員工資制度。

- 將Flash版新人傻瓜上手指南完成及將嘗試組織人力撰寫各種風格的推廣文,並向所有 在各論壇招收新人的推廣人發放。

- 在新人信中增加各國家組織號鏈結位址。

- 在政府論壇公告區公示所有新增國家組織號及所有部門公務員名單,以方便民眾查找。

- 繼續推進和完成政府發言人制度,定期舉辦新聞發佈會,接受來自各方提問。

- 擬建立內閣在各政策推出前同時在國會論壇及遊戲內報紙發佈的制度,加強內閣與國會及國 民的互動,增加政府工作透明度。


- 在採取了新的石油和小麥稅率政策以刺激經濟發展之後,為了補償石油及小麥廠廠主的損失 ,將出臺新政策授權商行收購因此政策而不願意繼續經營的老闆的石油及小麥公司並拍賣。

- 繼續致力於推進eChina與世界的交流和瞭解。

- 加強與各國之外交關係,致力國土收復。

- 繼續推行外交和經濟結合的政策,擴大對外經貿關係,增加出口及加強製造業對外的競爭力 。

- 繼續推進國防部組織和管理改革工作,建立一支有效運作的、有經驗的國家軍隊。

- 增設國家軍委,以應付各種突發戰爭狀況及對戰爭風險進行評估,有效提高決策的及時性和 正確性。

- 增加國防部及國會之間的有效溝通和理解,儘量避免由於相互之間溝通不足導致軍費案無法 通過的情況再次出現。

- 我想一定有很多人喜歡玩遊戲,下個任期內我們將成立娛樂部,負責定期不定期舉辦各種有 獎線上遊戲比賽,並向公眾公佈比賽結果。

昨天太困,忘了填國家目標,今天不能更改了。雖然沒有了系統獎勵,但是還是要手工補充 如下:

The first part - government progress report
Welfare and Education:
- This month we have merged the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Education into one and recruit a lot of manpower; strengthened education and guidance for newbie; tracked the growth of newbie; and for newbie at different levels we sent them different letters. With the co-operation of the welfare enterprises, the new methods have yielded encouraging results: the survival rate of newbie increased significantly.

- Two state-owned companies were created under Ministry of Welfare, which are SinoArms and SinoOil, both companies were Q1. They replaced SinoGrain and SinoFood to provide new citizens job and skill training opportunities. The SinoGrain and Sinofood have stopped recruiting, and will be closed once all employees leave. Their stock and raw materials will be kept in companies, so our government could use them to adjust our market in case of need.

- Special thanks to Haferkorn who paid for the extra storage of organization Ministry of Welfare using his own RL money.

Information Department:
- The newspaper eChina News.cn under the Ministry of Information comprehensively was revised. Several sections were set up, including economy news, history, international affairs, domestic news, and letters from citizens. They will be published on each different weekdays.

- We appointed a government spokesman and changed the newspaper "Central Finance" (Economic News.cn) to spokesman’s paper under the Ministry of Information.

- We opened a board in our government forum to let citizens post their comments and views regarding everything about erepublik.

Finance and foreign affairs:
- This month the Ministry of Finance has over fulfilled its 1000G-income-project. The central bank gold reserves increase from 3700G to 5200G.

- Commercial Bank reached its loan ceiling this month.

- After the discussion in our cabinet, the Secretary for Economic Development Deathdeity proposed new tax policy to stimulate domestic economy. Change of oil and wheat import tax was passed by congress.

- Economic cooperation with Venezuela reached a preliminary intention.

- We created the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ organization account and its newspapers.

- We strengthened and enhanced relationship with PEACE, EDEN and HIRIS through communication and understanding.

- We establish a friendly diplomatic relationship with eFrance.

- We negotiated with eRussia and eIndonesia about the Inner Mongolia matter in time.

- We recovered Jilin after continuous diplomatic hard work.

Ministry of Defense:
- Ministry of Defense is under reform. We will set up legions, analyze/estimate damages, allocate funds, and set up training programs.

The second part - the campaign platform: the priorities and objectives of the next term

Welfare and Education:
Last time I was questioned because I didn’t mention about the plan for baby boom. In fact, we have been working hard on this issue, but quietly. And I think this requires participation of all players. We cannot simply rely on single organization or individual, so
- In the next term, we will keep improving the newbies’ letter and our guidance. In addition, as it is a huge workload to send out email and pm to new players, there will be a civil service wage system to reward these hard workers.

- We will finish the tutorial (Chinese version, made by Flash). We will organize people to write a variety of styles of promotion articles, and we will advertise this game at various forums to recruit new players.

- In the newbie’s letter, we will write down our national organizations’ links.

Continue to work for the transparency of our government, and to improve the public relationship:
- We will put complete list of national organizations account and civil servants in our Government Forum. So citizens can find them easily.

- Continue to improve the government spokesman system, with regularly scheduled news conference to receive questions from all sides.

- We will discuss our new policies in congress forums and also on newspaper in the game before they are launched, so that we can strengthen the interactions between cabinet, congress and citizens, and increase transparency of government work.

Finance and foreign affairs:
- We will use new oil and wheat tax policy to stimulate economic development;

- We will work hard to let the eWorld know about eChina;

- We will strengthen the diplomatic relations with other countries, and try our best to recover our territories;

- We will continue to implement the policy using combination of diplomatic and economic methods. We will improve our economic relationship with other countries, increase our exports, and strengthen the manufacturing sector's competitiveness comparing to foreign competitors.

- Continue to reform the Ministry of Defense. Establish a functioning, experienced national army.

- Set up Central Military Commission to deal with contingencies of war status and assess the risks of war; improve the process of decision-making – more efficient, more correct.

- Ministry of Defense and Congress will increase communication and understanding between each other so MoSD will have sufficient funds for its operation.

Something new: Ministry of Entertainment!
- I think there must be a lot of people like playing games. We will set up Ministry of Entertainment; organize all kinds of online games with prizes. The results will be announced publicly.

Yesterday I forgot to fill national goals because I was too tired. The page cannot be changed today. I have to write down the national goals manually:
GDP target: increased by 20% (today's data: 655.21)
Population Target: increase by 10% (today's data: 383😎
Homeland goal: recovery of 1 regions.

唔,很惭愧,从来没有在报纸里插过图。而且和这次的竞选对手Bigdoor聊天很让人 愉快,我想他应该不介意我开个玩笑,于是乎……
Well, I had never inserted pictures in my newspapers. Moreover, I had a very pleasant chat with my election opponent Bigdoor. I think he will not mind my joke, so...

Do you like the smiling face of Princess Mononoke, or the bones of the six-fingers black hand?

敬请投我一票!Please vote me! 😛