[Akasuna Itachi] Epilog zadnja dva dana. Veliko hvala

Day 1,597, 07:27 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor


Pozdrav svima

Za pocetak, znam da je dug tekst, ali mislim da se necete pokajati kad ga procitate. Kao sto je dosta primetilo sto u sautovima, sto od onih koji su procitali clanak, juce je organizovana pomoc za Cile. U ovom clanku napisacu vam ukratko kako je sve proslo.

2. April

Saznajem da ce NE Argentine ovoga puta proci, i da ce posle mnogo prepucavanja i vatre do rata konacno doci. Dosao je trenutak koji cekam dugo vremena, a sta ja imam? Imam 20ak cokoladica, 30ak bazuka, 30ak golda i oko 25 hiljada dinara. Nemam jedinicu pod komandom sa kojom cu pomoci. Veselo. Cekam toliko godina ovaj trenutak, i kada je dosao, nespreman sam i nesposoban bilo sta da preduzmem... Dolazim kuci sa posla oko 6 popodne. Nista, odlucujem se da napisem clanak, znam koliko sam neprijatelja stvorio u zadnje vreme, jer nisam davao 5 para da ignorisem nesto sto smatram neispravnim iz bilo kog razloga, jer sam davao sebi za pravo da planem za sitnice, jer sam bio debil u odredjenim trenutcima. Ali ipak imam par prijatelja u ovoj igrici, napisacu clanak za njih. Mozda se neko odazove. Ali tesko.

Odlazim da napravim kafu, pustim jedan saut pre odlaska, pijem kafu uz cigaru i vracam se za 20ak minuta za komp. Logujem se na erep i cekaju me desetine shoutova. Neocekivano je slaba rec. Za manje od sat vremena 200 votova. Pristizu donacije, tenkovi, novac. Kupih od onih para sto sam imao 1000ak tenkova, a donacije ne prestaju da stizu. Nakupi se tako 4000 i vise tenkova, nakupi se i golda. U neverici gledam. Na pm stizu poruke podrske, veliki tenkovi govore da mogu da racunam na njih. Sve pomalo neverovatno. Bio sam pod utiskom da sam u zadnjih par meseci definitivno bio omrazen medju narodom zbog pomalo namcorastog ponasanja. Ovo sam planirao kao poslednju stvar koju cu uciniti pre nego sto se oprostim od vas. Polako prolazi vreme, i ljudi se skupljaju na kanalu.

02:30 ujutru, vreme skupa

Puca mi internet 10 minuta pred skup. Konektujem se opet, logujem na rizon, izbacuje mi onu gresku... Psujem sve zivo i mrtvo. Sautujem problem uz SS, igrac CelarentE me spasava programcicem koji pomocu proksija omogocuje da se konektujem. Na kanalu me ceka 40ak ljudi, i jos ljudi dolazi. Na kraju smo dogurali do 59 ljudi spremnih da biju. Svojim prisustvom obradovali su nas i fib, zligor, dorks, momci iz fronta, tj bolje da ne nabrajam, svakako cu nekog preskociti, a to ne zelim. Pricamo, zezamo se, cekamo argentince da napadnu. Dobijamo info da Argentina nece napasti veceras, ali se ceka. Cekali smo do pola 5, masa se osula za svega 10 ljudi, ali smo cekali. Nas jos malo pa 50 na kanalu u skoro 5 ujutru. Ali bilo nam je zanimljivo, pricali smo, dogovarali se, druzili se. Cekali napad. To nisam radio vec vise od godinu dana. Prolazi i 5, ko je morao da ide, otisao je, ali je nas par ostalo do ujutru. Mene hvata glavobolja, ne znam gde bijem sa glavom, ali odlucio sam da ostanem do kraja, tako da sam ostao do kraja. Napada nije bilo, i odlazim na posao onakav nikakav 🙂

3 april

Vucem se ko prebijena macka na poslu. Ushicen zbog odredjenih desavanja koja su vezana za RL, zaboravljam na umor i sve, ali me negde pri kraju smene stize sve i to duplo. Dolazim kuci, i nekako uspevam da smognem snage da odradim edit clanka, i zamolim ljude da rasire sautovima, pre nego sto odem da odmorim. Odlazim u krevet navivsi sat za 15 do 12, za vreme udara, sa mislju da tesko da ce od toga biti nesto. Ljudi su me ispostovali sinoc, kako da ocekujem istu stvar danas?


Zvoni mi mobilni. Prekidam da ne bi skidao kredit. Krecem da nazovem, kad vidim da je fiksni, neki beogradski broj. Nemam kredita za poziv : P Palim komp i ulazim na kanal, kasnim skoro sat vremena od kad sam zakazao udar. Na mob me je zvao nfbg, da me probudi jer sam propustao udar. Setio se brat. Provaljujem da je bitka pocela, i da smo prvu mini bitku izgubili, i u drugoj gubimo. Posto me nije bilo Axy Paxy i Dzoniy91 vec izdelili po 200 tenkova iz svog dzepa, iako im to niko nije trazio, niti sam im ostavio ikakve tenkove, ni nista. Sami. Blinkujem ceo kanal na kome je bilo oko 40 ljudi, i molim za shout. U roku od 10 minuta, na kanalu je bilo nas 80. Pitam ima li ko da mi pomogne oko podele, i sami se javljaju Axy Paxy i Svjedok Samoubistva. Saljem im tenkove, i oni zajedno sa Dzoniy91 prave formular i pocinju da dele. Puca se koliko se moze, drzimo zid nekako na 49.5 ali preko nece. Gubimo rundu.

Treca runda.

Uspevamo nekako da se povezemo, i organizujemo kako tako. Placam par bazukasa da udare po koji milion u pocetnom delu runde, a ostali se opremaju za udar na T-60. Zid stoji na nekih 49%. Dolazi 60ti minut bitke, naredjujem udar, i redjaju se avatari sa srpsko cileanskim zastavama. Sklapam bazuke, udaram sve do kraja. Prebacujemo zid na 52% i drzimo ga tu dobrih 5 minuta. Zid pocinje da pada, udaramo koliko mozemo, lupaju i cileanci, ali ne moze. Placam jos bazukasa, idemo all in, ali slaba vajda. Gubimo bitku. Ali sam odusevljen, vidim koliko se sami ljudi sa kanala cimaju da se prebaci zid. Ipak se ne osecam lose.

Cetvrta runda.

Atmosfera tipa slaba vajda, sta da radimo? Odlucujemo da probamo da nastavimo. Dolazi fib i udara nesto vise od miliona. Cileanski tenk rangoso me pita sta mislim da je najbolje da uradimo, i sam ima dosta dmga da udari, ali ne zeli da baca dmg bezveze. Raspitujem se ko ima koliko dmga. Marko Kawther udara milion za otvaranje runde. Tiha kaze da ima 4 miliona da ispuca, otkupljujem od njega dmg, Proka kaze da ima milion, fib kaze da je spreman da izudara 4 miliona. Cileanci mi kazu da imaju i oni par njih spremnih da udare dosta, santiagoazul ima oko 2.5 miliona, femto vise od 4, rangoso moze od 5-10. dogovaramo se i resavamo da idemo na sve i nista u ovoj mini bitci, pa ako je dobijemo, imamo sansu da se vadimo kad bugari odbrane sofiju i kad dodje srednjoevropski dan (bilo je oko 4 ujutru). Krecemo da udaramo, fib nabija 3 ipo miliona odmah, prate ga i cileanci, i prebacujemo zid sa 46% na nasu strano. Dmg smo imali, ali malo ljudi dosta dmga, dok je argentninaca bilo vise, te su brze isporucivali stetu. Prebacujemo zid na po par minuta, onda argentinci vracaju, ali ne padamo ispod 49.8%. Dolazi i PedjaT, i Flausino udara, ali je vec bilo kasno. Pukli smo i tu rundu.

Bitku jesmo izgubili, ali ponovo sam osetio onaj "Lioning" osecaj. Zajednistvo, istrajnost, borba. Odavno nisam osetio taj osecaj. Kada sam se zahvaljivao ljudima pre nego sto smo resili da se razilazimo za nekih sat vremena, mnogi su mi rekli, nije bitno ni sto smo ispucali sve, ni sto smo ostali ovako kasno, vredelo je. I zaista, vredelo je.

Ovom prilikom zahvalio bih se svima, ali bas svima. Momcima koji su shoutovali, sirili pricu, koji su cekali do kasno kasno uvece da bi pomogli, momcima koji su udarili do zadnje cokoladice i bazuke, momcima koji su delili naoruzanje, momcima koji su donirali sredstva. Osetio sam da je sve sto sam radio u ovih 3 godine nesto vise od pukog gubljenja vremena. I podsetio se zasto vredi igrati ovu igru.

gidra - 1.1 mil
fib - 3.5 mil
Zligor - 1+ mil
Proka - 1+ mil
DzonYx - 700k
Makaveli The DON - 500k
SrbIN1389 - 300k
Mamlaz - 1.3 mil
selasije - 660k
PedjaT - 3 mil
Pedja16 - 880k

+ najmanje jos 40 ljudi, ubacujem podatke kako cim ih dobijem

(P.S. kad dodjem kuci ubacicu screenshotove onih koji su udarali, i dmg onih koji nemaju ss, tako da ko je udarao i seca se koliko, neka mi posalje u pm.)

Hi everyone

As lot of you noticed in shouts, and the part of you who read the last article, yesterday we organized action to help Chile. I will describe you how it all went in this article.

April 2nd

I just found out that Argentinian NE law will be accepted this time, after lots of argues and flaming, and war will finaly come. The moment that I've been waiting for such a long time has come, and what do i have?? I have around 20 candies, 30 bazookas, around 30 gold and 25k rsd. I dont have a unit under my command with i could help with. Awesome.. Ive been waiting for this moment for years, and when it came, it caught me unprepaired and unable to do anything... Im coming home at around 6 pm. Nevermind, I decided to write an article, I know how much enemies I've made lately, because I didnt care about ignoring the things that i dont think are right, no matter the reason, because I gave myself the right to get impulsive for little and unimportant things, and to be an idiot in certain moments. But I guessed that i have few friends anyway in this game, And I'll write the article for them. Maybe someone answers it. But hardly.

Im getting up to make me some coffee, before it I wrote 1 shout, and i leave for a coffee and a cigarette. I come back to my PC after around 20 mins, and login on eRep, and there were dozens of shouts waiting for me. Unexpected is an understatement. In less than an hour 200 votes. Donations are ariving, money, tanks... From the money I already had I bought around 1000 tanks, and the donations didnt stop to arrive. So around 4000 tanks got gathered, some gold was gathered. I watched it and I couldnt beleve it. I'm getting private messages from great tanks, telling me that i can count on them. Everything was a bit hard to beleve. I was under the impression for a long time, that i was pretty much hated amongst our people because of my moody and impulsive behaveour. Actualy, this was the last thing that I intended to do before I say my goodbye to all of you, and now for the last time. The time of the meeting is comming closer, and people are slowly gathering on the channel.

02:30 AM, meeting time

My internet got disconected around 10 minutes before the meeting. Im getting reconected, loging in onto rizon, and it shows me that error... I'm swearing everything : P I shout my problem with SS from it, and player CelarentE saves me with an aplication which allowed me to connect through a proxy server. Around 40 people were waiting me on the channel, with more people arriving. At the end we got up to 59 people ready to fight. We were honoured by their presense with fib, zligor, dorks, guys from FRONT, anyway, its better not to try to name them, cause i will forget someone for sure, and i dont wanna do that. We are talking, having fun and wait for Argentinians to attack. We got info that argentina will not attack tonight, but we wait anyway. We waited untill around 04:30 am, and just around 10 people had to leave. We almost had 50 soldiers at almost 5 AM. But we had fun, we talked, we planed what to do and we hanged out. We waited for the attack. I havent done that for over a year. 5 AM passes, and the ones who had to go left, but few of us, round 20, waited untill morning. I got a strong headache, but I decided to stay untill the end, and thats what I've done.. There was no attack that night, and I go to work with my eyes bearly opened 🙂

April 3rd

Im dragging like a grandmother at my work. Happy for some things connected with my RL which happened, I forgot about being tired, and everything, but somewhere around the end of my shift, it all caught up with me, and it was double. I got home, and somehow managed to get the strength to write the edit of the article, and ask the people to shout it on, before i went to sleep. I got to bed and turned on my alarm for 23:45, for the time of the meeting. I went to sleep thinking that there isnt a big chance that something will happen, people did it last night, whats the chance that it will happen today to?

😇0 AM

My cell phone rings. I turn it off not to waste the guy's money. I start to call back, but i notice it was from a landline in Belgrade, and i didnt have the credit to call back 😛 I turn on my PC and get onto the channel, I was late around an hour after the meeting was to start. The one who called me was nfbg, to wake me up so i dont miss the action. He remembered me. I see that the battle already started, we lost first round, and are losing the second too. Because I wasnt there, Axy Paxy and Dzoniy91 already supplied over 200 tanks from their own stock, although no one asked them to, nor did i leave them tanks, nothing. They did it themselfs. I blink the whole channel in which was 40 people, and i ask them for a shout. In 10 minutes, there were 80 soldiers online. I ask if there is anyone ready to help me with supplying, and Axy Paxy and Svjedok Samoubistva volontered. I send them tanks, and they made a form by themselfs, and started to supply together with Dzoniy91. We fight as much as we can, and we keep the wall on 49.5, it just couldnt come over. We lose the round.

Third round.

Somehow we managed to get a bit organized. I pay few bazooka guys to hit couple of milions to open the round. The rest of us were getting ready to fight at T-60. The wall stood at around 49%. The 60th minute of the battle arrived, I ordered for strike, and avatars with serbian chilean flag made a long row. I assemble my bazookas, and fight untill there is nothing to fight with anymore. We pushed the wall to 52% and holded it down for a good 5 minutes. Will started to come down, we fight with all we got, chileans fight with all they got, but it couldnt be helped. I pay for more bazooka guys, we go all in, but there was nothing we could do. We lose the battle, but I'm amazed, i see how people for the channel try hard to push the wall, fighting, shouting, doing everything they can.

Fourth round.

Atmosphere was kinda low, what do we do now? We decide to keep going. Fib arrives, and he fights bit over a milion dmg. Chilean tank rangoso asks me what do I think whats the best thing to do now, he has lots of damage to fight, but he doesnt want to throw it in the trash. I ask around for how much damage we got left. Marko Kawther fights a million on round opening. Tiha says that he has around 4 mil to fight, so i bought that dmg, Proka says that he has a million, fib says he is ready to fight around 4 milions. Chileans tell me that few of them have plenty of dmg to delever too. santiagoazul has round 2.5 milion, femto more than 4, rangoso can do 5-10. We talk, and we decide to go for all or nothing in this round, so if we win it, we got a chance to try to win once bulgarian defend sofia, and the middle europe daytime arrives (there was round 4 AM). We start fighting fib hits 3 and a half milion right away, while chileans folowed him, and we pushed the wall from 46% to our side. We had the damage, but we had few people with lots of damage, Argentina had more soldiers, so they were delevering the influence on the battlefield faster. We get the wall on our side for few minutes, then argentinians bring it back, but we dont fall bellow round 49.8%. PedjaT arrives, Flausino fights too, but it was too late. We lost that round too.

We did lost the battle, but i felt that "Lioning" feeling once more. The sense of community, determination, strugle. I havent felt that feeling since time ago. When i said thank you to the people before we decided to call it a night, round an hour after the end of the mini battle, many people told me: it doesnt matter that we wasted everything, that we stayed up this late, it was worth it. It really worth it.

Y eso es parte para mis amigos chileanos. Una vez mas en mi mierda de espanol 😛 Bueno, si, podria ser q perdemos la battala. Pero uno de mis objectivos primeros, de cuando venia a chile hace 29 meses fue a verlos asi. Junots, organizados, pegando por su patria. Ayer lo vi, y vi q chile es un grande pais ahora. No tiene tanto influencia ni tanques, puede ser, pero tiene gente, y tiene alma. Aunque hay muchos q me odian aca, lo se q aun tengo amigos aca. Y siempre voy a estar con vosotros, en alguna vez. Saludos a todos.

gidra - 1.1 mil
fib - 3.5 mil
Zligor - 1+ mil
Proka - 1+ mil
DzonYx - 700k
Makaveli The DON - 500k
SrbIN1389 - 300k
Mamlaz - 1.3 mil
selasije - 660k
PedjaT - 3 mil
Pedja16 - 880k

+ at least 40 people more, im writing the info as soon as i get it

(P.S.When I come home, I will edit the article and add the SS's with the damage of people who fought. The ones who dont have SS's, please send me their dmg by pvt so i can add them)