[ADF] MOTW, small lottery!

Day 2,353, 11:57 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Ahreet Aus!

New players: Remember, that to get ADF supplies you must fill out this really simple form. Honestly, it will take you about 30 seconds, and I can start rolling up weapons to you!

And now... another MOTW!

This week there are 23 peeps up for MOTW. For the first time ever, I'm going to select two people at random to win two gold each! Whichever two names are at the top of the random list will win. So, let's line up the names and press the magic button:

Congrats dudes! Gold winging it's way over soon!

I also feel like doing a random lottery. Usual stuff, ADF members comment below with a number between 1 - 50, no repeats, and the person who either gets the number or gets closest to the number that's spat out of the random generator will win 5 gold! Get commenting!

Take it easy, Aus!