[ADF] Marshal Report Day 2091

Day 2,091, 18:30 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Force

Supply Update
Due to some technical issues, supplies this week were delayed, but rest assured this issue will be resolved as soon as possible, and supply services will return to regularity.

Secondly, the ADF is looking for willing supply runners going forward, ideally one per division.

Also thanks to Binda for covering for my ill-self.
ADF Reform
One of the most over talked about slowest moving processes in all of Australia. Currently a draft sits in the senate forums that concerns with the ADF itself along with a second draft aimed to reform MU funding projects. The first concerns the set up and structure of the ADF, the second obviously concerns Government funding to Military actions. This topic on the forum is inactive, partly because despite how much it is talked about, not enough people actually want to partake in the reform process.

The ADF is recruiting across all Divisions!

The ADF will supply you with 7 Q7 tanks per day or 6 Q7 tanks and $6 a day (your choice). If you have under 250 strength, we also help you to train. 🙂

How do I enlist?
We are accepting soldiers and have the following requirements:
- Available on forums
- Preferably available on IRC
- Online for battles daily
- Prepared to do a weekly Roll Call on the Aus forums
- Available to eAustralian citizens only

Sign up Today!
Some Minor Bragging

Not saying, but showing^

~ADF Marshal~
Molly Jo

Dr Hugh Jardon chosen to join Yobbo McSweeny as ADF MU Second Commander.

Also Majester will be acting Commander during my vacation, here is hoping I'm not still sick for that.