[ADDY15CP] The Consolidate All Military Power In My Hands Act (Day 1463)

Day 1,463, 16:04 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc


On November 5th, eCanadian voters provided me with a mandate to make eCanada a desirable place for existing active soldiers to relocate to. I intend to do this by providing a steady supply of conflict.

PDP, Ethel, irish, CFovetS, Etemenanki, EZStreet, AMC, Manafikio, Gary Hubert, and Bunsen HoneyDew will help me do this.


Opening Remarks

Now that I have successfully reeducated the CAF and put them in their place, I figure it's time to turn my attention to the rest of the MUs of Canada just to make sure they don't get any ideas like Cozza did. "[This drama] is none of my business" - Ha! Who's the one without the job now?

The Joint Task Force Act

I have put the Consolidate All Military Power In My Hands Act before Congress today, which will help me consolidate control over all other military units. As an accountant, I know that it is not efficient to have so many MUs and so we will consolidate operations.

Key pieces of this legislation:

- I will now become Commander-in-Chief of The Crimson Order, HOPE, the Independent Legion, and all other Canadian MUs.
- I will have the ability to revoke funding for all Canadian MUs if they are not "patriotic" enough.

Don't believe this is happening? Well too bad for you, you voted for this. Like you'd rather have a pussy school instead.

Who's your daddy?