[ADDY15CP] State of the Confederation (Day 1461)

Day 1,461, 21:18 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc


On November 5th, eCanadian voters provided me with a mandate to make eCanada a desirable place for existing active soldiers to relocate to. I intend to do this by providing a steady supply of conflict.

PDP, Ethel, irish, CFovetS, Etemenanki, EZStreet, AMC, Manafikio, Gary Hubert, and Bunsen HoneyDew will help me do this.


Opening Remarks

This is the commencement of a huge standoff that could easily have been avoided if the CAF would have simply used smaller words to explain things to me regarding SAWC and his fail.

Unfortunately, this has evolved into something much more complicated. Deep waters that had been still for quite some time have been disturbed and a conflict appears inevitable. This has been planned for quite some time.

Each CP term seems to have a crisis of some kind that I manufacture and an impeachment attempt. I firmly believe that the members of congress who are in CAF are going to resent the fact that SAWC moved an illegal impeachment because that gives me license to act like a drama queen and the courses of action I have planned are going to motivate that demographic to impeach me, but they can't for a week lol.

There are likely others who will agree with them, and those who disagree.

Either way, I am going out to the parking lot with my brass knuckles to settle this.

On what has happened so far

You may or may not know that SAWC has robbed a RL Tim Hortons in Surrey, British Columbia. He held it up at gunpoint and stole about $400. He confessed. He then fled to the United States to hide out at his brother's house in Idaho. I know this because he called me from the border while he was waiting in line at customs. I wish him all the best.

On the implications to MUs and military groups who harbor criminals…

Precedent has been set on this. Any MU or military group who grants membership to a known criminal will have their MU funding suspended. The most ironic example of this is when COI's funding was suspended, for a day, until Maedoc was removed from the MU. Maedoc is the previous multi of SAWC. COI is the MU that I founded.

On stepping into the turbulent waters of alerting the CAF that their funding is at risk of suspension if they continue to harbor SAWC…

I sent a PM to CAF High Command on Friday alerting them that I intended to act on precedent and suspend their MU funding so long as SAWC was a member. SAWC then left eRepublik of his own accord when he fled to the United States, and so is no longer a member of the CAF.

For those of you who don't know, no other member of CAF High Command lives west of Calgary. It would have taken any member of High Command at least 12 hours to drive to B.C. to prevent SAWC from robbing that Tim Horton's, assuming they knew it was going to happen. This does not excuse High Command's behavior in not vehemently objecting to SAWC's actions. In eCanada, we do not take kindly to criminals.

Because I am an accountant, my common sense only works when there are numbers involved. Therefore, I have absolutely no idea if SAWC is still a member of the CAF even though I just told you he already left both eCanada and Canada. However, SAWC made me look bad and that means I can't ever be nice to him, and since I'm CP that means nobody else can be nice to him either.

For those of you who don't know, Air Canada is often more expensive than other United States airlines and so there's a chance that members of the CAF may take a RL flight that stops in an American city that SAWC may be in, and they may casually meet, and exchange pleasantries. This could happen. And if it does, it means that CAF High Command must support SAWC's actions. Since it could happen, we have to assume that it will happen. I can come to no other conclusion in this situation.

On the irony of CAF not condemning SAWC and holding him to account when Rolo is perpetually condemned and held to account by the same people…

Weird, isn't it? CAF is strangely silent. Their high command is completely aware that SAWC deliberately held up a Tim Horton's at gunpoint, and then fled far far away to a location where nobody could do anything about it. This is bad. Like I said, this made me look bad to the CP of the eUS and his Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is totally different from when Rolo stole the treasury because I was not CP then.

I suggest to you that you look to Rolo for moral guidance in this situation as I am. Silence is not how the most critical voices within the CAF deal with Rolo and I find their silence on this issue of grave concern.

On how this issue has evolved from "How much did SAWC steal from the Tim Horton's" to "Can CAF be trusted?"…

I never intended to hold CAF accountable for SAWC's actions.

Then other people in CAF High Command pointed out how stupid my arguments were regarding a situation that had already resolved itself apart from my humiliation. I am extremely disappointed with the CAF's inability to role-play controversy like I'm doing.

I am now pressing full on with holding the CAF responsible for not acting like the rest of eCanada and freaking out about the whole situation, and also for pointing out how much common sense I lack in situations like this. I honestly have no idea if SAWC is still a member of the CAF even though I explained how he left eRepublik two paragraphs ago. No idea at all.

On what you can expect in the near future…

All I want from the CAF is to re-explain the situation to me in smaller words. Like I said, I have no idea if SAWC is a member of the CAF even though I explained how he left eRepublik two paragraphs ago. I also have no idea if the CAF supports his actions that they had no control over.

We can all clear this up very simply. I want CAF High Command to chip in and purchase a full-page advertisement in the Vancouver Sun and the Globe and Mail where they explain the entire situation in small words and denounce SAWC's actions. I want them to then clip those advertisements and mail them to me so I can read them. I want them to find a way to translate the situation into numbers so that I can understand it, because like I said I have no idea if SAWC is a member of the CAF even though I explained how he left eRepublik three paragraphs ago.

Until this happens, I will be taking punitive actions against the CAF:

[*]I will instruct Rolo to PTO the CAF MU in-game, because obviously the leadership cannot be trusted to ignore my lack of common sense.
[*]I will waffle back and forth on the status of the CAF, whether it is a MU like any other MU that I should not have any control over, or it is a government group that I can run like my own personal fiefdom. I will choose whichever one is more convenient at the moment and act accordingly.
[*]I will of course cut off CAF funding so that more is available for other MUs. Consider joining the Captains of Industry today.

Who's your daddy?