[Abrivianius] The European Social Alliance; A Review

Day 598, 15:09 Published in United Kingdom Pakistan by Habraka Abrivianius


Citizens of the United Kingdom,

Four months ago, I wrote an article regarding the future of the European Social Alliance. This article was about how a primarily European based alliance should be formed, based on mutual defence, respect and cooperation between member states. At the time, PEACE and ATLANTIS supremacy was still absolute, no cracks in the cement between their member states were visible, Hungary was a mere shadow compared to it's power today, countries like Israel and Greece didn't simply exist, Germany was still in a union with Austria, Pakistan ruled much of continental Asia... A whole different world if you ask me.

Four months ago, the world was not ready to end bi-polarisation, the world was not ready to break the hegemony of the two dominating alliance. Today, we have seen more splintering and creations of alliances in over a year of eRepublikan history. Fortis, Eden, AHA, new allegiances, old ties being broken, a new world order as some may call it.

Today, countries like the United Kingdom stand at a crossroads yet again, and the United Kingdom will have to make a choice that will decide it's future. The citizens, soldiers and politicians of the United Kingdom now have the power in their hands to decide the fate of future generations, and indirectly that of their allies,... and enemies.

I still believe the United Kingdom can play a big role in the creation of a true European alliance, an alliance with similar countries, countries that want to fight for their freedom, countries that fight for what they think is true and just. No backstabbing, no cowardly betrayal, no dominance of the biggest countries. An alliance based on cooperation, coordination, diplomacy, an alliance whose main goal is to build and strengthen, not to destroy and weaken as has been done one time to many in the past.

I know for a fact that there is a growing urge from the general populace in countries like the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Serbia, even Denmark, the Baltic states and many others for a more unified Europe, a stronger Europe, a Europe that can stand up against the manipulation of foreign infiltrators like those being send by the United States, or Sweden.

Make no mistake, countries like Sweden have already proven they are prepared to do anything to achieve their goals, they will gladly betray and abandon old friends if it is to gain them a region or two, or a few hundred gold. That is what friendship is worth to a lot of your former allies, a region here or there, or a few hundred gold. They will send dozens of spies and infiltrators, they will get into your army, your government, your economy, and they will wreak havoc... if you do nothing to stop them.

The United Kingdom finally has the ability to take matters in their own hands, and together with their friends, unite and stand up against the big bad bullies, draw a line and say that is as far as you go. Your real friends, Canada, Ireland, Germany, even Italy. Those are the ones you should, and can, count on when it comes to it. Not the United States, not Sweden, not Poland, not Romania, as they have been corrupted by their greed, greed for power, gold and conquest. But in case you haven't heard yet, greed is a sin, and the sinners will received their due and divine punishment, sooner or later. Their empires will fall, and the new European Alliance will grow and prosper.

And all it takes is a few people in a few countries to make a bold, but visionary move, and set the first steps to the creation of unity between European, and other like-minded countries, to bring enlightenment and prosperity to our beloved countries.

From the ashes of the European Social Alliance, a new world power will arise. And it will be merciful, generous and kind to it's citizens.
