【總統】關於南韓換地 (About the land-swap with eSK)

Day 1,141, 11:23 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) China by Ronia

這可能是我最後一次以囧統身份發言。再過一天半,新的總統就會上任。無論是哪一位候選人當選,我都有充份的信心相信他都能夠帶領 eROC 繼續成長。

Hi all,
This is probably my last speak as your CP. Soon, we will have a new CP. I have confidence to say that whoever wins the election, he will lead eROC to be a better country.

有很多國民及他國的朋友,都對 eROC 與 eSouth Korea 之間的戰爭狀態感到不解。很不幸的,eSK 的政府遭受到了許多挑戰,包括國內與海外勢力的牽制。雖然 eROC 的軍隊遵守指令要將 Gyeongsangbuk-do 以起義的方式歸還,並在 Chungcheongnam-do 之戰敗北將先手權交還給 eSK,但都未能成功。

Many citizens and lots of friends are confused by the current status between eROC and eSK. With some unexpected turbulence, the land-swap deal is getting done recently. However, when eROC tried to return Gyeongsangbuk-do thru RW and loss Chungcheongnam-do battle to pass initiative to eSK, both battle was not going to what we expected. Unfortunately, eSK government is surely facing some severe challenges, from both inside and outside of their country.

雖然 eROC 為表面上的獲益者,我們必須強調這額外的利益並非我們的目的。我們了解取得非份的利益並非使一個國家強盛並使人尊敬的方式,信守承諾才是。我們將會繼續執行與 eSK 之間的協議,我們相信這是對兩個國家及整個遊戲規則的尊重。

Although eROC gains extra benefits during the process, I want to ensure you all that the "extra benefits" are never expected. We had a deal with eSK government, and we are satisfied with it. Everything more than that, we will return to eSK. We realize that getting extra advantage from our neighbor is not a way to make our country strong, and we prefer to earn respects by showing everyone that eROC will always do our best to keep our promise.

同時,我們也期待在明天的大選過後,能夠繼續和 eSK 政府針對換地交易達成共識,相信雙方的政府都能了解互相合作,將使兩國的人民都能得到利益。

In the same time, eROC also expect to have a win-win negotiation with eSK government after the president election tomorrow. I believe that if we co-op, all of us can get profit.

Thank you all.


PS: In the final day of my CP term, I will be on my way to Taiwan (from California). The plane will take off right after day change. So I will be out of CP office for most of the day. Good luck everyone 🙂 And see you soon again in game.
