[A4CP] The Decline of Canadian Politics

Day 1,377, 06:02 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Mediocrity. It's too easy to describe the poitical climate in eCanada these days. Congress only serves one purpose these days, to discuss taxes to death and figure out how much money they can get for themselves. Those are the active members the rest got their 5 gold and don't care beyond to blindly click the vote button on occasion.

The executive hasn't done much better, rehashing the same old ideas. Let's do the same thing we did last time, toss out some half assed communication and it's genius right?

I can take a lot of critisism and it doesn't bother me. People jump to the conclusion I'm suddenly anti this and anti that because I question things. This is believe it or not how gov't should work. Without questioning things what is there but a large circle jerk of 'YES men'. By the same note I also expect when someone accepts a job of responsibility they should be active at that job. I make no apologies for expecting them to be active.

Not 8 months ago none of what goes on would fly. Parties would be in an uproar at the first mistake, demanding someone's head. Back then people actually made an effort to improve things, to make the game more interesting. Now it's all seems to be about 'What do I get'. The ironic part is that they claim it in the name of player retention when in fact it could be equally put that it's just a bunch of splintered groups trying to retain the players they have. The community as a whole is being left to die.

What does this have do with the price of bread in Alaska?

On Sept 5th I plan to run for CP. I am still excepting applications for cabinet positions. I will stand for an active gov't. If you think you active enough and willing enough I ask you to join me. If you are tired of seeing lackluster approaches and lazy gov'ts I ask you to consider voting for me. I'll work on some policy articles in the coming week as this wall of text has drawn on long enough.
