A Political Presence at Last!

Day 635, 17:47 Published in Canada Canada by Monk Penman

An answered prayer...

eCanadians now have a political presence in eCanada once again.

The Canadian National Coalition has been formed so eCanadians can continue to have political representation. Once we've stabilized the country, and hopefully regained some of our lost provinces and territories, we will no doubt return to our political parties of choice, but for now, I encourage all eCanadians to run for positions in the party, congress and even presidency, under the CNC banner.

We are no longer sea to sea,
But with intention, we shall be
Once again as strong and free
As we were... to Liberty!

I shall remain in what remains of our country, and work in whatever ways I can, with whoever else holds the vision that we may return to a nation state of united provinces, united from sea to sea to sea, free of invaders, and honouring our historical roots with dignity.

Monk Penman