# 8 - New law, new weapon prices!

Day 56, 00:00 Published in Italy Serbia by Vanessa Nelyubova Micucci

The president have worked out a great new system concerning the weapon crisis.
As soon as all weapon companies have adapted the new system, quality 2 weapons will be out for sale on the Italian market for no more than 2ITL.
Hopefully, this will move the wheels on the weapon market and encourage the Italian people to buy more weapons.
(Read more about the new law @ http://www2.erepublik.com/article-10142.html)

The importance of weapons should not be neglected. The weapons will be needed when our people will face the aggressors who did not even know how to write when we had Caesar, Virgil, and Augustus.
These weapons will increase our strenght and protect our dear Italia Fatherland.

Roma ancora il mondo guiderÃÆ’  !