.7 : A Lovely State of Beige

Day 2,006, 10:51 Published in USA USA by Ludonarr

Why hello there eAmerica, what's happening?

I've been a bit out of the publishing loop for the last week or so. It doesn't seem anything earth-shattering has been missed, but I felt some kind of article was in order. If you don't use it the media module falls off right?

USWP Elections

I will admit to having been a tad worried on the 15th when I logged in and found Othere trailing by a bit. Obviously I needn't have worried, our party and its allies had it under control. I'm glad to see that Othere won, I look forward to a great month under him...his leadership I mean.

This did demonstrate the continued need for some form of unity however. Things could have gone much differently if we had not been coordinating and cooperating across multiple parties.

My grumpy cowboy face

The State of the eUS

When I joined eRep I had some trepidation. I figured combining pseudo-politics and the internet, this would just be a bunch of partisan douchery wrapped up in thinly veiled homophobia and dick jokes. At least part of that turned out to be accurate (you can figure it out).

However, little did I know that the Gospel of Game Mechanics had thankfully wiped away most of the RL partisan circle-jerking. But I have a question for you, no really, a serious one.

Click for serious question

I know, I know, unity this and pto threat that. Honestly, I get that there is a history and challenges here that I can not fully appreciate. That being said, who said that unity meant we had to settle for the watered down version of everything?

Where is the loyal opposition? Where are those that will stir things up and advocate for a different path? Surely we can do more than we are currently doing, certainly we can do better.

Another player wrote in a great article that cruising along is all well and good, but he wants barrel rolls.

Granted he was talking party specific, but I will echo his sentiment for the nation and say that I want colors, I want passion.

Instead of the lovely state of beige we are currently in, we need more citizens fighting for what they believe and pushing the envelope. We need new ideas and new voices pushing our leaders to greater heights.

I still haven't figured out how to stick endings for these things, but that's all I've got.
