#52 Super Serbians!

Day 1,284, 15:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!!

I bring upon thou, another bewildering discourse.

In Europe a lot is going down as always. But the main news is the fact Serbia are absolutely owning. They have taken another region from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia are also on the offensive in Vidin, Bulgaria and are currently winning! This will be a massive win for Serbia as they will be into Bulgarian soil and it will symbolise the true return of Serbia. Serbia was brought down by EDEN for a long time but now they are starting to act like their true selves again and are back to moving into enemy soil once again.
Serbia have however signed a peace proposal with Croatia which will relieve a load of pressure from Serbia for the time being and can concentrate their damage completely on Bulgaria.
Croatia on the other hand are busy in Slovenia. They have gained one region and Slovenia are trying their best to fend the Croatians off for now but Croatia does seem like the better side in these early stages. Slovenia have worked hard for the land they own and for it to be taken away will be a shame. What they need is allied support, but they aren't official members of ONE so they can't complain about lack of support there.

Poland are in Romania well and truly now as they are winning. They do however have many many resistance wars on their hands which surprisingly they are winning all four of them. While Poland have moved into Romania, Hungary have gained two Romanian region too. One, in Crisana and one in Transilvania, now the Romanians are down to just four region, and in a few minutes that number will be down to three as Muntania, the capital is being taken over. This is a good tactics because if they gain the capital them many people will be stuck in Polish territory, or may not be bothered to move and therefore a lot of damage will be lost for Romania, but this may open an opportunity to win a few resistance wars by staying in their taken capital.

Montenegro are back on the map, and it's such a good colour to have on the map especially next to the peachy colour of Serbia. Montenegro will be very pleased with this and their country can come back to a decent strength again. Montenegro didn't however get back on the map in time for congress elections so they'll have to wait a whole month to get a congress, which as we all know is pretty bad as a LOT can happen within a month.

ABC are having trouble with Russia. ABC were progressing very very well but all that has seem to have ended as they are back and fourth with Russia now. They are losing ground but they are determined not to lose any home regions. But there is as always a bright light at the end of the tunnel for the Baltic nations because here Turkey have finished their war with Belarus and have proposed Russia as their natural enemy, which will almost certainly go through, if it doesn't then I'll be surprised because as it stands it's 26 in favour, and zero against.

Russia have signed a peace proposal with Estonia, and Estonia are proposing Russia as a natural enemy once again so I'm not sure if this means the war is over or not.

Many Macedonian tanks have been temporarily banned including the invaluable tank, Alfagrem. I believe it was counted that 7 of them were temp banned. Now the reason for this is probably because Macedonia are beating Greece and Plato comes from Greece so there may be a bit of racism/cheating going on there. But Macedonia are still winning nevertheless and even with huge Macedonian racism in the eRepublik forums anyway, they are staying strong and look like they will win this war as it currently stands unless there is more cheating going to happen. (I bet this article will be deleted. The reason will be 'freedom of speech is not allowed on the biggest SOCIAL strategy game on the internet')

Pakistan have been wiped by China and they were also distracted by India. Which is what kicked off the whole thing. Pakistan went to war with India and gained a region, went on the offensive, lost. India then regained their region and gained a Pakistani region while China joined in to finish them off and steal all the glory like America did in WWII.

Australia are getting bored of the same old routine with Indonesia now and are probably contemplating suicide by now as they probably just want to end it 😛

Peru have been wiped again and have attempted to get back on the map straight away but Argentina swiftly dealt with that and put an end to the resistance very quickly.
There have been rumours that Argentina want to join ONE as some Argentinians have revolted and helped Colombia attack Argentina (themselves) in a sign of protest as they believe Terra/EDEN don't listen to them.

I doubt they want to join ONE, in my opinion, these guys just want to become neutral to figure things out. Make a calculated decision on their own for once instead of another country deciding for you.

Portugal are winning in Guayana and I'm still surpirsed Venezuela hasn't put up a better fight as I really expected them to actually make it into Europe. Venezuela aren't high on the priority list but with allied support they could easily get into Europe. Spain have their hands full with the US but with the Brazilian war over they could declare war with Portugal and deal with it pretty quickly.

Thanks for reading, and guess what? I HAVE A WEEK OFF!! I now only have five more exams to go out of a total of fourteen which is pretty good but unlike other schools I've only just began exam leave. Today was my first day of exam leave and had the opportunity to have the holidays early by one day, but sadly I had an exam today 🙁 But I feel I did brilliantly. I only need 78 marks out of 70 to gain a grade C in business so, it's still possible haha. Luckily I'm doing a resit and my problem was the fact I need to answer questions in a certain way so I think I can own. I know I'll get the C anyway, shouldn't be too difficult it's the B I want, but atm I'm just rambling and you lot don't care haha. Either way, have a nice day! (That rhymed 🙂 )