#51 Very Very Quick Update

Day 1,281, 15:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!
This is going to be very quickfire as I have exams and literally have no time. On Friday I will have enough time to write a proper article because I am not getting down on Friday as I am that douche that stays inside all the time instead of getting all sociable...and maybe a mild tan. I am as white as can be, they say the ice sheets on the poles is what stops global warming for the most part but it isn't, it is me, I reflect the light off the planet 😉
Also I HAVE A WEEK OFF! NO EXAMS FOR A WHOLE WEEK! And then after that I'm on exam LEAVE because my school sucks enough not to give me exam leave earlier. My exams are very spread out then too so it's all good. 😃 Just don't expect an article until Friday. - this article is because I'm kind and I love you guys 🙂

Latvia are winning in Moscow, Russia and it seems neither side are really on a advantage. ABC and Russia are all over the place, they win in some battles, lose others, then suddenly win a load, then lose a load, it's crazy, but hey, that's war. I'm sure Latvia would just love to have Moscow for revenge on them getting wiped. What ABC need to do is to hold onto Moscow, if they can hold on to a RL capital then the majority of new players will be placed into ABC territory, making them quit the game, or applying citizenship elsewhere making Russia weaker in the long-term.

In Kaliningrad neither Lithuania or Russia are able to make themselves a likely winner, they are both pretty much even with Lithuania just in the lead by 2 mini-battles.

ABC may want to open a war with Belarus, because they are currently being attacked by Turkey so not much damage will be wasted there by ABC and the Russian war will practically unaffected by the war, not to mention Lithuania or Latvia will gain some decent resources from Belarus in a short amount of time because Turkey are on a rampage and the war will be closed in a matter of days no doubt.

Poland have declared war on Romania which will spread damage with Hungary and will be able to break the Romanian defences. ONE saw that they were getting nowhere in Romania and needed that extra kick and Poland's route was pretty easy as it was to break a very weakened Ukraine which proved to be a walk in the park...if that...

Poland will also be worried about Saxony, if that goes they lose many resources at once which will massively effect their economy, but with Romanian resources this will give them some breathing space and will relieve pressure on Saxony a little bit. Although Poland have won every single Saxony resistance war they have ever come across in WWV, and will win this one, it doesn't mean that they'll win every single one of them all the time. Not to mention Romania is a very strong country for EDEN and with Poland getting around Romania while Hungary attack the Western side this will create a Bulgarian border which I'm sure ONE would just love.
There is little hope for EDEN in this phase of the war but as always, WWV can just have a sudden turn in the tides.

Canada gained the region of Scotland while Northern Ireland was taken by Ireland and it seemed UK was on a roll of losses, until UK beat Canada in Wales and are now beating Ireland in Wales too. All the UK want to do at the moment is to hold the two countries back until after the congress elections are finished.
UK have proposed Canada as a natural enemy as Ireland are no longer the main enemy as Ireland themselves pose almost zero threat, it is their allies. And those allies consist of Greece, USA and Canada so attacking Canada with a natural enemy bonus will make a slight difference in damage and may worry the Canadians a bit forcing them to fight for their own country only rather than for Ireland. It's a good move for the UK to begin to concentrate damage on Canada but it could go horribly wrong. It is only a natural enemy bonus, but it's also the fact our orders are usually to fight against Canada rather than Ireland, unless one of our home regions is being attack which in turn will be priority, but generally it's Canada that we'll have orders to attack.
It is a very hard time decision-wise. Do we want to concentrate damage on Ireland and hope to end the war there quickly so we can switch back to attacking Canada? Or do we want to spread our damage evenly running the risk of losing both battles, but also have the opportunity to win both battles? Or do we want to concentrate mostly on Canada, hoping to get as far as we can in Canadian territory and being safe for the time being to switch back to Ireland?

It is best to play things out as they are and hope for the best as both countries are great opponents and at the end of the day it's been great fun and I have to say I respect the enemy here as they've been clever in their tactics and the organisation from the Crimson Canucks has been pretty decent, giving us a challenge and if anything, making us see the bad side of war. We've been winning too much and losing a few will remind us of the bad side of war and how together we need to be since we've not lost a home region in a war for so so long.

Peru will beat Brazil in Mid Andes and since Peru took Southern Low Andes in a resistance war and the fact Spain took Northern Brazil means the war will close making Peru able to concentrate on resistance wars like the one going on right now in the Great Andes against Argentina which Argentina seem to have the upper hand in but Peru do have occasional sudden bursts in which they get above 50% influence and get a few points back for themselves.

Argentina won their battle against Bolivia and will be on the attack again however Peru have also opened a war with Argentina which will spread their damage and with a 3rd MPP on the way for Peru, they may be able to stand a pretty good chance as their 3 MMPs will be Macedonia, Poland and Serbia, three immensely strong allies and will probably contribute a great deal of damage as this is a pretty opportunity to not only bring back and give a foothold to a ONE affiliated country but also to do a number on a Terra country.
Bolivia however have no countries as MPPs and fight alone, which means Bolivia are probably doomed but with them spreading damage it may open doors for Peru, head them on the right path and if they are able to gain Bolivian home regions they could simply give them back.

It's great to have a good battleground somewhere other than Europe for a change. Northern America consists of only three countries so not much goes on there but South America, could be interesting.

Indonesia have magically gained all their homeregions back and have gone on the offensive gaining a Chinese colony in Thailand and are on for another but it'll make little difference as Thailand have blocked off Indonesia from mainland China, but I'm sure Indonesia will simply declare war on Thailand too, get them our the war and deal with China then.

The United Arab Emirates have somehow gained a region back from Iran in a resistance war which is very weird but Iran continue on through their full military war and will have many region soon anyway.

I got a little stick from my graphs in my last article but as I said, it's a work in progress and I have made progress as I've found a website in which is doesn't record the data of how many people are located in the country like eRepublik rankings does. No, it counts citizenship, so in my next set of graphs be prepared to see a big rise, or even a dip, in country's population. Also, I'll be bringing out country's experience soon too. Most of the countries on there are to compare with the UK, such as Cyprus and Iran are near equal in population or a good country to compare too which is why I put them on there.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day everyone!!