#50 200 Subcribers!!!

Day 1,278, 17:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers!!
I'm happy because yesterday I reached 200 subscribers, 2 articles before my 50th!!! Which is pretty awesome. So, yeah. MY 50TH ARTICLE PEOPLE!!!

A lot has been going off in Europe so let me start off wit the most active war, Second Baltic War.

Estonia have lost Moscow due to a resistance war and are defending their region of Kirde-Eesti after their defeat in Urals. Estonia though are winning in their home-region and still own the Russian region of Volga Vyatka and since Latvia are probably going to lose in Moscow Estonia may launch another attack there to connect their regions, or they may just attack Urals again as to not close the Latvian-Russian war if they were to regain Moscow. I personally would go for Volga is Estonia were to win in Kirde-Eesti as to start surrounding the Russian capital while Lithuania take Western Siberia.

Lithuania are not guaranteed to win in Northern Russia though. They are doing amazingly well and have taken Southern Finland and Leningrad since my last article so they can win battles against Russia but Russia may be concentrating damage on Lithuania as they are the main threat, not to mention Northern Russia is a main region and Russia will not be wanting to give it up so easily. Russia also have time-zone advantage too as they spread across into Asia, as do their allies, whereas ABC's MPPs are Europe-bound aside from Indonesia who have their own problems.

EDIT Volga Vyatka has been taken by Russia in a resistance war.

Serbia have taken North Montenegrin Mountains and I'm sure Montenegro are going to start a resistance war there to get their country back on the map! Then Montenegro can get a congress, maybe open a war with Croatia while Serbia attack Slavonia spreading Croatian damage and causing some real trouble. Romper has not been seen for a few days either, or at least not tanking in his usual way of ruining the game so maybe this is why Croatia are getting beaten relatively easily compared to some other battle that the two countries have had.

Serbia are also winning on the Bulgarian front, although Serbia are just defending their regions against Bulgaria so when they attack Bulgaria they can go all out attack on Croatia and get things over and done with.

Macedonia are successful in Greece as they have not only taken the region of Macedonia but are also on their way to getting Epirus.
Greece have taken Apulia to get a shot at the Macedonian owned Italian regions but it seems that will never happen and has actually worked in the Macedonians favour as they will be able to connect their home regions with their Italian colonies if they can take no only Epirus but also Ionian Islands to get a border with the Greek colony in Italy which Macedonia will need to connect the capital with their home regions as their capital is in Italy after Bulgaria took their home regions a few weeks ago.

Greece also have trouble as they are fighting 2 resistance wars in the Middle East, a war against Macedonia and another resistance against Macedonia, in Macedonia. 😛

Ukraine will be down to their last region after Turkey are done in Bassarabia. Ukraine could have been wiped today if they were able to hold onto Bukovina as well. Turkey will be very pleased although I think they would have wanted more regions but Poland, Slovakia and Belarus denied Turkey the whole of Ukraine.
Ukraine may also be able to begin a resistance war against Belarus as they are the weakest of the lot that currently occupy Ukraine.

Turkey will want to end their war as quickly as possible so they can open a war with Greece because I don't think the Turks want to pass up such an amazing opportunity.

Germany are back on the map after pwning Poland, they have also started a resistance war in Saxony-Anhalt which is unusual as it won't connect to their capital in Baden. If it was me I'd have gone for Bavaria then go for Thuringia after that to not only have three whole regions but it would also cut off Polish regions with their capital.

Brazil have been pushed back to Canary Islands, although that is as far back as Brazil are willing to go as they beat Spain and will be straight back on the offensive again. However USA are down to their last region in Europe and remember that Spain still have a region in USA and the position of that region will make it easier to cut of a few region from their capital.

Israel will be wiped by Cyprus and to be fair, they are doing very well for themselves as it's their first proper war. Their other wars have been started against Turkey or Greece because of a corrupt government, but now, they are free of leaders that consider themselves Turkish or Greeks, and now they can be called Cyprus, with Cypriot leaders....although iNCi is Turkish, but whatever. 😃

UAE have had a tiny bit of land taken away by Iran. And I am telling you now, it is a very small region. You can't even see it on the map, looking at it because of Iran's colour, you'd mistake it for a tiny tiny bit of sea. I'm not sure why the admins decided to have such small regions especially as you can't even read the words thanks to them all being bunched together like that.

Saudi Arabia are on their way to getting themselves a second region once more and Greece really do have their hands full so they will be unable to do much about this.

Argentina have witnessed a very clever co-ordinated attack on them. New Zealand started a resistance war in Auckland while attacking in a full war in Patagonia, that's not all. Peru, Colombia and Bolivia have all started a resistance war of their own in which Bolivia and Peru are victorious and back on the map. However, the New Zealand and Colombia wars are still ongoing but neither are a certain victory for either side.

Portugal have beaten Venezuela in Guyana, which is very surprising as Venezuela looked very strong in Azores in the early stages of the battle but seem to have gave up, or maybe Venezuela just didn't have enough people and they all wasted their damage in just the early stages, either way, Portugal are in Venezuela which is very unexpected indeed. - Bring a nice colour to the map though. 😃

Australia have once again been reunited after a resistance war in Tasmania. Indonesia have been very busy with China and they sensed their opportunity to get some regions back, as did Philippines but Indonesia aren't busy at the moment as the China battle has been and gone with a resounding defeat for the Indonesians but they won't lose in Philippines.

Pakistan have declared war on India and Northern India will probably be conquered by Pakistan although India fight very weird like. They are very very good in the early part of the mini-battles but then after about 45 minutes they seem to completely drop off and lose which is highly unusual.

Got some graphs. Did them yesterday as I take recordings every 10 days to give people a good idea of how things are going.

Here you can see the Polish population still in decline. Just 19,000 now, rather than their previous 30,000

Here is a better view of the UK population and France is in decline and everybody else is pretty much stable apart from Cyprus who are gaining a LOT of people, although their average experience per person is still very very low.

Here is a population chart for the alliances! This one took me a while. Only two recording at the moment but it still gives off the same effect as you can clearly see that both EDEN and Terra are dropping in numbers. And ABC have gained 1,000 population since the 10th.

And the final one is of Political parties. Everybody has seemed to have reached their absolute limit apart from ESO who are gaining in numbers pretty dramatically. UKWP on the other hand have dropped a great deal as we all know.

Thanks for reading, leave feedback and more info is always appreciated!