[总统报纸 #5] 保加利亚,立陶宛 和 俄罗斯换地行动

Day 1,574, 10:39 Published in China China by Atracurium


在这未来的一两天里 (或更长的时间):保加利亚,立陶宛 和 俄罗斯 将会有个换地行动。

1. 立陶宛将 NE俄罗斯。 然后保加利亚会尽快的 NE 立陶宛。
2. 立陶宛攻打莫斯科,伏尔加河和伏尔加。
3. 俄罗斯起义莫斯科。
4. 立陶宛攻打伏尔加河和伏尔加。
5. 保加利亚攻打伏尔加河和伏尔加。
6. 之后就是俄罗斯和立陶宛在后花园搞军演直到可以签署和平条约。
6. 换地成功。


[English Version]

In days to come: Bulgaria, Lithuania and Russia will have a land swapping event.

The following marks the flow of events:
1. Lithuania will declare NE to Russia and in turn Bulgaria NE to Lithuania.
2. Lithuania will conquer Moscow and Central Russsia, Volga and Volga-Vyatka.
3. Russia will RW back Moscow and Central Russia.
4. Bulgaria will in turn conquer Volga and Volga-Vyatka from Lithuania.
5. After that Lithuania and Russia will be engaged in a training war until a peace treaty can be signed.
6. Land swap successful.

And so, the government of Bulgaria would like to urge players not to hit against Lithuania during their land swapping with Russia in order to make this event successful.