.4 : May the Fourth Be With You

Day 1,992, 16:12 Published in USA USA by Ludonarr
Where I, Ludonarr, take advantage of the fact that this is my 4th article to celebrate being a nerd.


Today I take a break from the quasi-narrative of my eRep adventures to mark the 4th of May, aka Star Wars Day.

To be honest, I was never super into Star Wars as a kid. I loved the original films as a kid and always thought the prequels were a bit off, but they weren't a passion for me like they are for some people (I direct you to this amazing video for an example).

However, I love May 4th. The reason is simple, it is a day by nerds/geeks/etc for nerds/geeks/etc to celebrate all that it is that they love (though mainly Star Wars).

Now I didn't grow up in the days when jocks stuffed nerds in trashcans, but I definitely had to hide my passions as a kid to avoid ridicule. At school it was all football and hockey and Linkin Park, then I'd go to my friend's houses and play D&D, watch Monty Python and Mystery Science Theater,and talk about Lord of the Rings and the Wheel of Time.

It wasn't til I reached the end of high school and college that I realized I had no reason to hide what I enjoyed, I realized it is part of what makes me me.

All of us should be able to share with others the things that we are passionate about. Video games or politics, comic books or classical music, we are all entitled to get excited about things and gift that excitement to other people.

Some of you may have already seen this video of Wil Wheaton talking about being a nerd, but if you haven't, check it out again.

Whether it is May 4th, April 20th, December 25th, or any other day, don't be afraid to share your passions, to share your excitement with other people.

This has been an overly sentimental message from a no-name player. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
