.3 : Baptized by Sand

Day 1,990, 18:47 Published in USA USA by Ludonarr

I've traveled the world.

It was a fool's errand for sure. I had no contacts, but had heard rumors of mercenary work in Pakistan, good pay for those with tight aim and loose morals. With my gun in tow I went, eager to test myself.

Thrown in with a ragtag group of fighters, we set out in trucks to our destination. When we got there we would fight, men would die. Beyond that I knew nothing. I remember a sound vaguely like bottle rockets screaming before my truck flipped over and my world went black.

Three of us survived the attack. Amidst bullets and RPGs, we grabbed what we could and ran off into the sand, a sharp crack narrowing us down to two.

I trusted the other with my life right up until I took his. We ran low on food and water, he tried to take it by force. I fought back. His tears ran hot down his cheeks as I stabbed him in the gut. My blood ran cold as I left him to his fate in that sea of sand.

The food ran out on the 2nd day, the water on the 3rd. I walked until my legs gave out and I knelt in the sand, resigned to my fate.

It began with the wind. Blowing in from above it whipped up the sand around me, clouding my sight and making it hard to breathe. Panic was nowhere to be found, replaced by calm and serenity. The sand bathed me as I stood, falling from me as I walked again, strengthened by a reborn confidence.

As I sit back at home again in the eUS, I can't help but think about my time in the sands of Pakistan. Something has changed.
