++2nd Squad Leader Needed!++

Day 314, 07:02 Published in USA USA by Mikaleus

The position of 2nd Squad Leader in the 2nd Division of the National Guard has just opened up. As Squad Leader you will be in charge of 2nd Squad. This means all soldiers who have a strength of 2.00 - 3.00 will be under your leadership.

You will be required to create an online spreadsheet to keep track of all the soldiers in your squad. You will need to send daily updates to the Colonel of the Division. You will be able to recommend any soldiers for good work, but also reprimand any soldiers for below par work. You will also welcome all new troops into your squad with a set email which will be sent to you. You will also be in charge of relaying any important orders to the troops and working with the other officers in the National Guard.

As Squad Leader you will receive an extra 25 USD per week on top of your regular weekly pay from the Military.

Anyone who is interested should PM me.