Отчет 27.01.2010 г.

Day 799, 17:21 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Union of the BG commandos
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5aRe7sNhPZ9EtM:http://sos-commandos.dir.bg/_files/t_4695955.jpg" id="ipf5aRe7sNhPZ9EtM:" width="84" height="121">
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:xzvXfflmhGNsQM:http://www.montana.bg/images/plan0713/image012.gif" width="135" height="58">
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ОСТАТЪК от 26.01.2010г.
5 хляб
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2 хляб - Squall Leonheart has transfered 2 products
1 билет - normal_m has transfered 1 products
normal_m has transfered 0.03 GOLD
normal_m has transfered 0.01 BGN
10 хляб - alimuti has transfered 10 products
1 подарък - CaptMick has transfered 1 products
3 хляб - Marogan has transfered 3 products
1 билет -normal_m has transfered 1 products
normal_m has transfered 1.3 BGN
Daniel De Vito has transfered 0.55 GOLD
Arawn Opethius has transfered 3 RUB
Bluestreak88 has transfered 9.16 BGN

**************************************** ****
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:fPrqeuPAPi1KbM:http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k230/Longanlon1/site/changert.jpg" width="124" height="62">
You have bought 0.02 GOLD for 1.1896 RSD.
You have bought 0.10 GOLD for 2.8954 RUB
You have bought 50 BGN for 0.7 GOLD
You have bought 0.21 BGN for 0.1046 RUB.
You have bought 0.25 BGN for 0.214 RSD.

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1 билет
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http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:4czyN3n26RmCFM:http://www.rogersvillecommunitybettermentgroup.com/wp-content/gallery/community/donate.png" id="ipf4czyN3n26RmCFM:" width="120" height="121">

1.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to nqmame_zaguben_flag
2.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to DIStefanov.
3.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Drakson.
4.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Radoslav_89.
5.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Martin Cvetkov.
6.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to JRP94.
7.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Elendil94.
8.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Petko Iliev.
9.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to nqmame_zaguben_flag.
10.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Georgi Dichev.
11.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to mclaud85.
12.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Daniel Todorov.
13.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Serio_sam.
14.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Strelok22.
15.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Dr1nata.
16.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to peshh.
17.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to dido88.
18.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Dex1.
19.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to Alcek.
20.Successfuly transfered 1 item(s) to siralexbg.

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хляб Q1 - 2
подарък Q1 - 1
BGN - 60.93
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:BYHGTkJGamfq7M:http://www.lessig.org/blog/vote.001.png" id="ipfBYHGTkJGamfq7M:" width="150" height="113">