#24 The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

Day 1,244, 12:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello Readers 😃

I'm pretty sure everybody is excited for the fact we are pushing the Spanish back into their homeland.
The French were successful in their resistance wars against the Spanish and have now cut off the regions from the Spanish capital.
The Portuguese have also gained two regions from the Spanish in resistance wars.
Britain have been helping in the resistance wars in the last few days as Spain is right next to us.
Not only are the Portuguese and the French regaining their land, the Brazilians are fighting once again in Andalucia, and the USA have gained Galicia.
You can see the Spanish finally starting to break, or maybe they are laying back for something bigger, or maybe this is just another one of our Spurts that we get every so often.
Last time Brazil owned 3 Spanish regions and the US were on the offensive getting Galicia for the first time.
Time will tell what will happen now but one thing is for sure, it's giving us a morale boost in the war and we are one step closer to achieving our goal to rid the world of ONE. It may be a very small step, but at least we are getting there.

Galicia is a very important region and the Americans, if they know what they are doing, which I sure they do, they'd go for Castilla Y Leon and then onto Cantabria if they are successful. This will surround their capital. Remember, the Spanish capital is not Madrid, it is Asturais.

Of course, even if we get rid of the Spanish threat, we'll need to deal with the Polish, which is an almost impossible mission. The Polish are in America which makes things very difficult. The Polish have borders with the Americans, and since America want to push forward into Spanish territory, the Poles will make the whole situation more difficult by fighting them on another front.

It's possible, the Americans will ignore the Polish, like the French did, to concentrate on the Spanish, although America have been dealing with both Mexico and Spain just fine, and maybe they could, only just, defend their regions against the Poles too.

The question is, what will France do next?
From my point of view, they have two great options. They can try and liberate the regions of Pays-de-la-Loire and Brittany. This will cut of the Polish from the US. Or the better option, they can liberate the regions of Rhone Alps, Franche-Comte and Lorraine - This will cut off many Polish regions from their capital and stopping the Polish in their tracks.
Liberating these regions will be very difficult as the French have never won a resistance war against the Polish during WWV, which means we'll all have to put in our best if the French do decide to liberate any Polish-owned regions.

The Italians are attempting to liberate the Macedonian region of Calabria. Well, you know what they say, fourth time lucky....oh, wait. 😉

Now, we all know that everything is going pretty well in WWV at the moment, so the next thing on everybody's mind is Ireland. I have said in my last few articles that Ireland will be pretty good for us. Although some may say now is not the time and we should concentrate on our allies but surely we can chip in with the war and take on Ireland at the same time? But alas, my opinion is that there is no need to go to war with Ireland at the moment.
There have been many rumours, and the Irish economic figures prove these rumours, that we are on the inside, and apparently the Irish economy is going pretty badly because of their political disaster. No doubt the Irish will deny this.
So this basically means that we can carry on fighting for our allies, and by the time things have chilled out a bit the Irish economic disaster will be at it's worst and we'll be able to walk over them like a mat if we decide to war with them.
Again, these are only rumours that there are people on the inside, but it's a fact that the Irish economy is not going too well lately.

We also need to be rewarded as a nation for our efforts in helping our allies, and what better gift than to have a few more regions under our control. Even if we do not go to war with them, there is always the hope that they will war with us 😉

Iran have lost their first region to the Chinese in an attempt to reach Europe. Hopefully all goes well for the Chinese and they will be able to make their way through.
The downside to the Chinese trying to get to Europe is the fact that they need to get past our dear friends in Turkey. This is where the UK needs to make a decision. Save our old friend and ONE member of Turkey, or do we help our fellow EDEN/Terra member China? It's something we all need to be thinking about as the Chinese smash their way through Iran and into European territory.

Slovenia continue their relentless attack on the small neutral nation of Switzerland, and since they are neutral they have few allies which makes them vulnerable, and I think I speak for us all when I wish them the best of luck against the Slovenians.

On the upside, Croatia have gained a region from the Serbs. Although Serbia are our allies, the loss of one region is hardly going to effect them, but it also means one region for our other allies, EDEN/Terra. Croatia bring in masses of money for our alliance and they are great help economically for our adored alliance.

Israel are getting pushed back as the United Arab Emirates secured their region and regained Abu Dubai on their offensive attack and to make sure they couldn't get back the Saudi Arabians liberated the Eastern Province blocking the Israelis from the UAE and pushing them back further into their own territory.
Saudi Arabia are still having trouble with the Greeks as they struggle in their resistance wars but these Greek owned regions are what also brings home the beef for Terraeden.

Quick Fact: Mainland Britain used to be one huge forest. Any fields you see are long-gone pastures or agricultural land which meant cutting of trees was necessary

Thanks for reading, leave feedback, your thoughts on this article and if you have any more info you'd like to share than that will be much appreciated.