~~10 Question Series Kickoff~~

Day 543, 13:12 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~10 Question Series~

Hello Subscribers and Friends,

I am writing this brief note to all my subscribers, potential subscribers and friends because I am launching a new article campaign called "Ten Questions." It is rather simple, here's how it will work:

~I will select 10 candidates for the upcoming Congressional Elections that I plan on endorsing for their Campaign.

~A preview of the list is here:

1) Oprah Winfrey Interview: HERE!
2) Blake Chrysostom Interview: HERE!
3) mjdiv Interview: HERE!
4) Cerb Interview: HERE!
5) Jack Flufferton Interview: HERE!
6) Kerat Interview: HERE!
7) Daphne Lilac Interview: HERE!
😎 Emerick Interview: HERE!

~ I will then ask 10 Questions, give a brief overview of the Candidate and state why I support them. The questions will be both informative and amusing, so there's a little win in it for everyone!

~As you can see, I'm not strictly supporting LIB Candidates. This is an effort to better Congress with Quality Candidates from across the political Spectrum.
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I'm going to kick off the series with none other than Ms. Oprah Winfrey and you can find that: HERE!Make sure to subscribe to A Little Claire-ification so you get each new installment (daily) in your in-box!

~Claire Littleton
-Congresswoman, New Jersey
-Deputy/Acting Speaking of the House