Day 691, 01:38 Published in Greece Greece by RevengerDE

Εἶμαι πλήρως ἀπογοητευμένος ἀπὸ μερικοὺς Ἕλληνες. Τὸ νὰ βγάζω ἄρθρο γιὰ τὴν Μακεδονία καὶ νὰ γίνεται REPORT ἀπὸ ἕλληνες δείχνει προδοσία.ΟΙ ΚΑΝΟΝΕΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΝΟΝΕΣ. Ὅταν πρόκειτα γιὰ τὴν Ἑλλάδα ὁ ἕλληνας δὲν θὰ κοιτάξει τοὺς κανόνες …Δεῖτε τοὺς σέρβους … Τόσα ἄρθρα γιὰ τὸ κόσοβο.

Ἀπὸ μένα πρὸς ὅλους τους χαφιέδες ντροπή σας . Αὐτὸ ποὺ ἔγινε χθὲς ἦταν τοῦ κόσμου τὸ παράξενο.ΤΟ ἄρθρο γιὰ τὴν μακεδονία τὸ ἔβγαλα μετὰ ἀπὸ συμφωνία μὲ τὸν DIASALEFTI. Ὁ ἴδιος ἔφαγε ρεπορτ ἀπὸ πολλοὺς σκοπιανοὺς φαίνεται …Ὅμως τὸ ἄρθρο του δὲν διαγράφτηκε.Ἐγὼ λοιπὸν καὶ πῆρα warning καὶ διαγράφηκε τὸ ἄρθρο.. 126 votes, σὲ 4 ὦρες … στὰ σχόλια ἔλεγαν ζήτω ἡ μακεδονία καὶ οἱ σέρβοι
Εἶναι ντροπὴ .

Ὅλοι οἱ βουλευτὲς παρακαλῶ στὸ φόρουμ νὰ ἐλέγξουν τὴν πρότασή μου καὶ νὰ γράψουν τὰ σχόλια τους.

Εὐχαριστῶ τοὺς Ἕλληνες γιὰ τὶς 39 ψήφους καὶ ἐξυπηρετῶ τὰ συμφέροντα τῆς Ἑλλάδας…. Ἂς λένε μερικοὶ πὼς σπάω κανόνες ..Νὰ σᾶς δῶ ὅταν μποῦν οἱ σκοπιανοί.

Αὐτὸ τὸ μήνημα ἑλληναράδες ἦταν ἀπὸ τὶς τελευταῖες συνομιλίες μου μὲ ἕναν admin τοῦ hattrick.. Κάποτε θὰ γίνει κι ἐδῶ αὐτὸ τὸ πράμα ..Νὰ δοῦμε τί θὰ κάνετε.

You have deliberately broken the conference rules and the Hattrick house rules.
You were clearly warned that you might risk your team if you continued with your bad behaviour.
You also had a long discussion with the Local GameMaster but you were very stubborn and you showed no signs of understanding or being able to control yourself.

That's why the decision is taken to lock your account.

Now, you apologize and say you won't insult anyone anymore.
But while promissing that, you already did insult a whole nation by the very start of your e-mail to me:
"THERE ARE NO MACEDONIAN USERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is an insult to the inhabitants of the country Makedonija. Whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not ... the international community all agree that these people are also called Macedonians, just like the ones living in the Greek region with the same name.

In the other e-mail you state: "Macedonia is a greek province.there is no country macedonia..it is in the greek area." (αὐτὸ τὸ εἶπα ἐγὼ σὲ ἄλλο μήνυμα)

So, I really believe you will never accept our decision in which we allow Makedonija/Macedonia to be a fully recognized and equal country within our Hattrick world. And if you don't accept that, you are not welcome back.

Βλέπετε τί λέει ὁ ξεφτίλας ? προσβολὴ εἶναι ὅτι λέω there are no Macedonian users
Ὅποιος κατάλαβε , κατάλαβε …
Καὶ γιὰ τοὺς ἑλληναράδες μὲ τὰ -1 RL.. δυστυχῶς γιὰ σᾶς εἶναι ἄρθρο ποὺ ἔχει μέσα τὸ erepublik .. Λυπᾶμαι ποὺ δὲν σᾶς δίνεται ἡ εὐκαιρία νὰ ἀσκήσετε τὰ ρεπόρτ σας σὲ ἕλληνες ..