Партизанские миссии. Безголовая курица

Day 2,114, 21:56 Published in Russia Hungary by Electro Smoker

Guerrilla Training 1/3: Lock & Load!

Description: First, put your armor on and pick your weapons. Remember: each class of weapons is effective at a certain distance. Then, lock & load!

Buy one Guerrilla Fight item
Play one Guerrilla Fight


3 pvp grenades
3 pvp x type sniper rifles

Guerrilla Training 2/3: Shoot 'em up!

Description: Guerrilla warfare is very effective, even if you lose a guerrilla fight, your war influence will be the same as if you had consumed 100 energy while firing from a Q7 Tank. And winning doubles it!

Win 1 Guerrilla Fight
Play 5 Guerrilla Fights

3 pvp x type sniper rifles
3 energy bars

Guerrilla Training 3/3: check back later

Description: check back later

check back later

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