
Day 1,947, 00:03 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aragaki Ayase





勾践は范蠡の進言に従って夫差に和を請い、夫差は伍子胥の猛烈な反対を押し切ってこれを受け入れた。勾践は呉に赴き夫差の召し使いとして仕えることになったが、范蠡の工作により程なくして越に戻ることになった。 勾践はこのときの悔しさを忘れず、部屋に苦い肝を吊るして毎日のようにそれを舐めて呉に対する復讐を誓った。前述の夫差と合わせて臥薪嘗胆という故事の元となった逸話である。

The war between Wu and Yue comprised several separate phases. It was started when a Yue princess, who was married to one of the princes of the neighbouring State of Wu, left her husband and fled back to the country of Yue. This became the spark for the war to come.
Upon the death of Yunchang and the accession of Goujian, King Helü of Wu seized the opportunity and launched an attack on Yue. At the Battle of Zuili (槜李之战), however, Yue defeated Wu, and King Helü was mortally wounded; before his death he instructed his son, King Fuchai of Wu, "Never forget Yue!" Yue would be defeated three years later by a resurgent Wu, and Goujian captured, to serve as Fuchai's servant for three years until he was eventually allowed to return to his native state.
Upon resuming his rule King Goujian quickly appointed skilled politicians as advisors, such as Wen Zhong and Fan Li, to help build up the kingdom. During this time, his ministers also worked to weaken the State of Wu internally through bribes and diplomatic intrigue.
Whilst ruling his kingdom, Goujian never relished kingly riches, but instead ate food suited for peasants, as well as forcing himself to taste bile, in order to remember his humiliations while serving under the State of Wu. The second half of a Chinese idiom, wòxīnchángdǎn (臥薪嚐膽 "sleeping on sticks and tasting gall"), refers to Goujian's perseverance.
After ten years of economic and political reforms the last phase of the war began, by which time the State of Yue had come a long way from its previous defeat; as described in the Shiji, Ten years of reforms; the state is rich, the warriors well-rewarded. The soldiers charge in the face of arrows like thirsty men heading for drink... making use of Fuchai's expedition to struggle with Jin for hegemony Goujian led his army and successfully attacked the Wu capital, killing the crown prince. In the 24th year of his reign (473 BCE), Goujian led another expedition, laying siege to the capital for three years before it fell. When a surrender from Fuchai was refused, he committed suicide, and Wu was annexed by Yue. After his victory, Goujian ruthlessly killed Fuchai's scholars and his own scholars who helped him, not allowing himself to make the same mistake Fuchai had made by sparing the lives of his enemies.
King Goujian's army was known for scaring its enemies before battle by forcing its front line, composed of criminals sentenced to death, to commit suicide by decapitating themselves.[1]

That's why eJapan regain all the regions.

Btw, the reason why I post this this is that I am wondering whether Admin will give me FP or not

駐台日本大使 - 新垣 あやせ
Ambassador of eJapan to eRoC - Aragaki Ayase