Фала ви браќа ја пребродев кризава..

Day 1,703, 08:49 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by toni.osan

19 јули 2012
Статија бр.2

Здраво еМакедонци.

По вашата помош :

Текстот ќе го оставам но само да знаете дека ја пребродив кризата благорејќи на вас.
Што би бил јас без вас ??
Престанете веќе да ми праќате веќе не сум во криза 😃
Долгот е вратен и сега се е ок.

Само да знаете дека поголемиот дел од оружјата и храната ѓи продадов за пари за да не ми е преполн storage.

Пред вашата помош :

Се решив да напишам статија бидејќи западнав во голема криза.

Должев 4 gold на KarateMK должев и 1000cc на Branislav1995 и уште еднаш ќе им кажам благодарам за тоа што ми помогнаа.

Еве ја мојата состојба со парите:

Исто така не само што немам пари туку немам ни оружје,со храна се снабдувам некако.. :/

Во чест на благодарност секој што ќе ми донира ќе го впишам во листата на донации.

Листа на донации:
3v3rything has transferred 70 Food to your storage.
3v3rything has transferred 15 Weapons to your storage.
Flash03 has transferred 133 Food to your storage.
Flash03 has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
Hip Hoper has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
El Che G has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
El Che G has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Alexandra Sasha has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Alexandra Sasha has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
MandiBT has transfered 250 MKD to your account.
miki.RS500 has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
miki.RS500 has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
miki.RS500 has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
Vlae Crew has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
Slave warmaster has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
Princess Emily has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
OMGKondio has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Antic Macedonia has transfered 10000 MKD to your account.
lector13 has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
Milica S has transfered 300 MKD to your account.
Milica S has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
david nastev has transferred 25 Weapons to your storage.
david nastev has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
NatasaNatasa1 has transferred 11 Weapons to your storage.
NatasaNatasa1 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Nick Slaughter MK has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
AngryGrandma has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
blok72 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
dimzaaa has transferred 140 Food to your storage
VelAco has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
VelAco has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
Gorantec has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
RJK97 has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
Ace Veles has transfered 1000 MKD to your account.
Ace Veles has transferred 60 Food to your storage.
tonikuze has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
doktora66 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Undeniable1997 has transferred 335 Food to your storage.
Undeniable1997 has transfered 444 MKD to your account.
remembermyname ET has transferred 800 Food to your storage.
goranarsov has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
goranarsov has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
goranarsov has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
BugsMoney has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
Mast3R.B0Y has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
Felendis has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
Felendis has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Dimitarboja has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
MorpheusMK has transfered 52 MKD to your account.
MorpheusMK has transfered 613 MKD to your account.
MorpheusMK has transfered 33 MKD to your account.
Luka Lokt Jankovic has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
Mkd DuNker has transfered 1.24 Gold to your account.
Baze MAKEDONIJA has transfered 200 MKD to your account.
liveshit1903 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.

Искрено ваш toni.osan o7