医疗创新改革有望 各国卫生部长需把握良机

Day 1,644, 06:37 Published in China Greece by Yuan Shikai
65th World Health Assembly to debate binding convention on research and development


The world’s health ministers, gathering in Geneva for the World Health Assembly this week, will decide whether or not to start the process for a binding agreement that would jumpstart research and development (R&D) for medical needs that are currently unmet. The international humanitarian medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urged health ministers to seize the unique opportunity and give the green light to a proposal that has been years in the making. By passing a resolution at the WHA, governments can this week take the first step to making an R&D convention a reality.
各国卫生部长将于本周在瑞士日内瓦出席世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly),决定是否展开程序制定一项具约束力的协议,以促进并未足以应付当前医疗需要的研究与开发工作。国际医疗人道救援组织无国界医生促请各国的卫生官员把握这次难得的机会,通过这份筹备多年的建议书。各国政府可以在本周踏出令研究与开发公约成真的第一步,在世界卫生大会上通过有关决议。

“Medical innovation is not delivering for the needs of people in developing countries. Governments have the power, the responsibility and, from today, the opportunity to change this,” said Michelle CHILDS, Director of Policy/Advocacy at MSF’s Access Campaign. “A clear and compelling case has been made for an R&D convention. World Health Organization (WHO) Member States must get on with starting the process, and not look for excuses to delay.”
无国界医生“病者有其药”项目政策/倡议总监蔡尔兹(Michelle CHILDS)表示:“当前的医疗创新并没有满足发展中国家人民的需要。各国政府有能力和义务,并从今天起有机会作出改变。制定研究与开发公约的理据清晰和迫切。世界卫生组织成员国须继续开展有关程序,不要藉词拖延。”

Today’s system for medical R&D is flawed, in that it is predominantly driven by commercial rewards rather than health priorities. This means that research is steered towards areas that are the most profitable, leaving fundamental medical needs – particularly those that disproportionately affect developing countries like tropical diseases or tuberculosis - unaddressed.

MSF field teams see the consequences of this every day, and struggle to deliver quality care when appropriate medical tools do not exist. When drugs, diagnostics and vaccines do exist, they are often unsuitable for use in countries where MSF works, as they have been designed for resource-rich countries. Unmet needs include: more effective treatments for drug-resistant tuberculosis; paediatric versions of HIV drugs; a test to determine whether a patient with Chagas disease has been cured; new antibiotics to treat life-threatening infections in the face of increasing resistance; and vaccines that do not need to be refrigerated or can be given without an injection.

“Our field teams know where the medical needs are, but that knowledge isn’t enough to address the gaps,” said Dr. Tido VON SCHOEN-ANGERER, Executive Director of MSF’s Access Campaign. “We need to connect the research priorities with the money, to drive the money spent on medical research to where the needs are and to ensure that the fruits of innovation are affordable and accessible. This is where the R&D convention can bring about transformation.”
无国界医生“病者有其药” 项目总干事冯提多医生(Tido VON SCHOEN-ANGERER)说:“我们的前线队伍知道医疗需要在那里,但这不足以填补当中的鸿沟。我们需要把研究的优次与资金挂钩,以推动将用于医疗研究的资金投放到有医疗需要的地方,并确保创新的成果是有需要的人可以负担和容易获得的。这正是研究与开发公约可带来的转变。”

In April, a report was released by the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG), a WHO-convened group of experts mandated to look at medical innovation. They concluded that a binding convention “is needed to secure appropriate funding and coordination to promote R&D needed to address the diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries and which constitute a common global responsibility.”
今年四月,世界卫生组织的研究与开发方面筹资和协调问题的磋商性专家工作小组(由世界卫生组织召开的专家工作小组专责处理医疗创新事宜,Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordinationm CEWG)发表了一项报告。工作小组总结需要一项具约束力的公约︰“以确保有合适的拨款和统筹,来推广应对不合比例地影响发展中国家疾病的研发工作,以及建构共同的全球责任。”

A convention would bring significant advantages. It would create an evidence-based process to define priorities. Signatory countries would then be bound to invest towards addressing those priorities. Importantly, any research funded thanks to the convention would deliver accessible and affordable products; for example, by ensuring price and supply commitments, adopting flexible licensing policies for developers, and supporting open innovation that would make knowledge available to others.

Over the past ten years, product development partnerships have been created to fill some of the innovation gaps and new funding from philanthropic foundations and governments has been forthcoming. But these efforts are piecemeal and vulnerable.

“We need a more sustainable system, particularly now that donor funds are increasingly scarce,” said Childs. “The convention would encourage a fair contribution from all, but also shape how the money is spent. It should ensure that the money goes further and achieves more by supporting alternative models to stimulate R&D that cost less and deliver medical tools that are accessible and affordable to those that need them”.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control provides a precedent of an internationally binding agreement negotiated and adhered to under the auspices of WHO.
世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约(WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control),已提供了在世界卫生组织的主持下作出洽商和遵守实行的具国际约束力协议的先例。