[螺旋王派坦報] 各位!! 我成功了!!

Day 1,548, 04:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lord Genome

雖然遲了一天, 我的心意終於去到R姊手上了~
Although it is one day late, my present arrived to the person I loved most.

R姊, 我會一直愛你喔!!
Ryomabl, I will love you for the rest of my life!!!

派坦, 留V數者都可獲1台Q6坦克, 派到我沒有坦克為止. 不分國藉.
Free Tanks, write down vote number for ONE free Q6 tank!! Unlimited Supply! No Nationality Limit.

我找了klonoa wind幫我派坦克, 沒收到的請敲他 XD
Klonoa Wind will help me distribute the tanks.