[螺旋王解答感謝報] 贊助及參加者的名單公報, 活動後續詳細

Day 1,459, 06:47 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lord Genome

各位好, 我是有三重人格的御姊控 螺旋王 Lord Genome, 另身兼現任議員, OH軍團統計官及OH-I第二指揮官.

感謝所有參加此計劃, 及幫推不領坦的人.

所有坦克都已經發到參加者的手上, 45坦在理論上足夠殺最少45人, 正常來說是3-4發殺1人, 要完成2天軍團任務應該不是問題, 3天實在不行又沒錢自備坦克的請PM我, 我會多補助幾台.

有人發信問我有關要不要證明火箭輸出及火箭發射的指揮權, 我一併在這解答好了.

首先是指揮權, 請各位盡量上 #eROC-MoD 聽從指揮官們的指揮, 務必把火箭用於必要之時, 實在沒坦沒錢hold不下去就找個好時機射出去, 最起碼也是牆低於55%之時, 可以達到節省其他人火力的功用. 最重要的還是用在國家需要的時候! (其實我也很想喊"全彈發射",然後有300發火箭飛出去)
另外要把發射火箭截圖拿國家補助也可以. (如果有人佛心要把收到的補助錢D給我也是可以的 XD )

其次是截圖證明, 就個人以言沒有要求拿到坦的要作任何證明坦克是用於軍團任務. 不過考慮到也會有人想要證明自己真的有好好參加, 以下開放回文貼圖.
圖可以上傳到 http://imgur.com/
把Battle stat中的overall result 和合符國防部領火箭補給的圖傳上去放連結在回文中就好了.
例: http://i.imgur.com/UqngL.jpg

以下是贊助者 及參加者的名單:

1) Cirmnut has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
2) Bread 100 has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
(超感謝以上兩位的贊助, 特別是百包, 半句話也沒說坦就D過來了)

1) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to dd8842245.
2) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to pcvac699.
3) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to WilliamTW.
4) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to scv5320.
5) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Veronica Lin.
6) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Ian Kao.
7) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Shaoliu.
😎 Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to xxx1213.
9) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to OMR.Ding.
10) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Verdigris.
11) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to starshe2.
12) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Jerry Tsai.
13) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to xu4u045k3.
14) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to hakuba.
15) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Linzet.
16) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to SINBREAKER.
17) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to instantmoon.
1😎 Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to ToHisWorld.
19) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to myexp.
20) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to henry90246.
21) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to PttNawussica.
22) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to WANG ZICK.
23) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to formula999.
24) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Steve Huang.
25) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to a22456842.
26) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to csnes4208.
27) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to DONGREGUA.
2😎 Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to yami no fukuin.
29) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to RTAgen.
30) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to HKG5sentsp.
31) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to SAO501.
32) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Chihtuci.
33) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to timmydavid6423.
34) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to qet135.
35) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to charlie8569.
36) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to timoney.
37) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to Youngwow.
3😎 Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to ryomabl.
39) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to cw67534185.
40) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to lionsu.
41) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to edwardhsu.
42) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to fantastic gathegaygay.
43) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to suliencin.
44) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to murlic.
45) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to FadedMisa.
46) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to hwahwahwa.
47) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to op8867555.
4😎 Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to u4u4.
49) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to BesinessHero.
50) Successfully transferred 45 item(s) to towxtvgr.

唉... 我附近的citysuper 都賣完了Dr Pepper沒再進貨 (哀...