Среќа е...

Day 1,263, 07:21 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Kris.S

Оваа статија ќе ја посветам на добропознатото... “една слика 1000 зборови“, само што тука се работи за едно видео и повеќе слики...

малите нешта... 🙂

Close your eyes...open your head..and...dip into your dreams...
there you will find a place filled with poetry..
a place where everything and everyone has a new shape...
where the universe is upside down and inside out...
where colours have sex and you can suddenly do that dance,a movement you always wanted to do... naked...
a place where friends fly,numbers breathe,donkeys explode,stars scream,peace lives and disasters happen in reserve...
a place where you're licking shaved cats one minute and wrestling tornadoes the next...
a place where your tongue is made from chocolate and light runs through your veins...
where the sun shines in your head and your eyes go to a party to get drunk on impossible cocteils...
a place where reality has gone on holiday and alarm clocks go to die...
dive into this world of difference any time and anywhere you wish...explore your wildest adventures...ESCAPE INTO YOUR DREAMS...

Бидете среќни... не, бидете НАЈСРЕЌНИ!!!

И секако не заборавајте...

Сакајте се!!!

Со почит,