Day 1,243, 00:08 Published in Russia USA by Mr FLATROY

'Top Soldiers of Russia - Top100 HitQ7 - Top100 Strength'

data updated on eDay 1936 at 22:00 eRepTime


1. alexeipo 45,348
(The Corps)

2. Falloutboy 44,217

3. Sniper48 44,217

4. DimkaVelikiy 44,094
(My Army)

5. Demios II 44,043

6. TorJado 43,536
(PKKA Guards)

7. PSVamt 43,509
(Phoenix Guard)

8. Siber 43,479
(The Corps)

9. make*don 43,356
(immortal warriors)

10. Mr FLATROY 43,335


11. mr.rety 43,083
(Tank Commune)

12. omg_87 43,080
(Fliegendes Suizid Kommando)

13. Petrenych 43,032

14. PetrMamontov 42,915

15. lribeiro81 42,666

16. Geniuse 42,597
(Red Brigades)

17. Name_1 42,570
(Russian Strategic Forces)

18. sefu 42,429

19. fap8621 42,420
(Tank Commune)

20. Felix Tito Trinidad 42,288


21. Kom1ssar 42,279
(Red Army Guards)

22. Sergey Gamov 42,228
(Tank Commune)

23. Vitaly_m 42,219
(The Corps)

24. Niaz 42,207
(Red Army Guards)

25. Ollger 42,060
(Tank Commune)

26. Sodiaan 41,853

27. Romool II 41,592
(The Corps)

28. Axithe 41,457
(Tank Commune)

29. AlFox 41,124
(Fox Is Free)

30. DimiDrol UA 41,064


31. Xbyte 41,040

32. Triada 41,025

33. Zheka 40,791
(Tank Commune)

34. Humerus 40,755

35. PederasT 40,542

36. Aleksandr Kolchak 39,897
(True Patriot)

37. MGB Guy 39,711
(Aussie Marauders)

38. Vereschag.in 39,549

39. TigerII91 39,519

40. kba3ap 39,288
(Red Army Guards)


41. Xok Honaro 39,231

42. Aldobr 39,192

43. Evil_God 39,036

44. Vaska72 38,934
(Red Army Guards)

45. D'Rogin 38,853
(Russian Armed Forces)

46. Vanished Toy 38,283

47. Sfog 38,280
(Red Army)

48. Mityavafrike 38,244

49. Lexer52 38,199

50. Zuyza 38,139
(The Corps)


51. mogaba 38,079
(Tank Commune)

52. ePalpatine 38,064
(True Mercenaries)

53. Eastwarrior 38,037
(Red Army Guards)

54. Vladislav.V 38,013
(Russian Armed Forces)

55. yioryos 37,611

56. loo_net 37,443

57. Antropophag 37,443
(Tank Commune)

58. A j a x 37,266

59. L1meWaxX 37,248

60. LordShaggynator 37,182
(True Patriot)


61. happyDoc 36,843

62. HrenSGory 36,477
(PKKA Guards)

63. bzzz-bzzz 36,441
(Tank Commune)

64. Mixa87 36,294

65. xiwera 35,700

66. kostpa2 35,418
(Russian Armed Forces)

67. flink45 35,112

68. daedalus1024 34,851

69. apfox 34,818

70. oDdkID 34,560


71. Hryushkin Aleksandr 34,248
(Russian Armed Forces)

72. DoinkJoker 34,017

73. amentain 33,963
(Fox Is Free)

74. nimnul 33,498
(Tank Commune)

75. Darkyserf 33,456

76. Forzen 33,369

77. PaulPro 32,889
(Red Army Guards)

78. Zato Mihalych 32,733
(Red Army Guards)

79. Skip_C_Dragg 32,616
(Red Army Guards)

80. KOR_Sohn 32,286


81. Crank.md 31,995
(Zimbrii TMD)

82. Maximus Cunctator 31,683

83. ZeroCoolDark 31,557

84. Naff0 31,302

85. tudor434 31,290
(-Gods of War-)

86. Ammaria 31,230
(Tank Commune)

87. ArchiJedi 31,167

88. some people going crazy 31,113
(Russian Armed Forces)

89. Tenro 31,095

90. suprim 31,014
(Tank Commune)


91. BenevolentBen 30,984
(Aussie Marauders)

92. Cyril27 30,537
(The Special Forces)

93. Rezeda 30,471
(Tank Commune)

94. EvGeniy_fareastrrn 30,336

95. Jackals90 30,120
(True Patriot)

96. Secret Hunter 29,988
(Tank Commune)

97. Lemurio 29,877
(Tank Commune)

98. Shkalik Grant 29,844
(Red Army Guards)

99. iUkka 29,823

100. VsVolkoff 29,703

1. alexeipo 43,414
(The Corps)

2. Falloutboy 42,323

3. Sniper48 42,322

4. TorJado 42,283
(PKKA Guards)

5. DimkaVelikiy 42,204
(My Army)

6. Demios II 42,154

7. PSVamt 41,637
(Phoenix Guard)

8. Siber 41,610
(The Corps)

9. make*don 41,490
(immortal warriors)

10. Mr FLATROY 41,469


11. lribeiro81 41,429

12. Geniuse 41,363
(Red Brigades)

13. mr.rety 41,225
(Tank Commune)

14. sefu 41,196

15. fap8621 41,189
(Tank Commune)

16. Petrenych 41,176

17. PetrMamontov 41,063

18. Felix Tito Trinidad 41,059

19. Kom1ssar 41,049
(Red Army Guards)

20. TigerII91 40,767


21. Name_1 40,731
(Russian Strategic Forces)

22. omg_87 40,629
(Fliegendes Suizid Kommando)

23. Sergey Gamov 40,400
(Tank Commune)

24. Vitaly_m 40,392
(The Corps)

25. Niaz 40,381
(Red Army Guards)

26. Romool II 40,377
(The Corps)

27. Axithe 40,245
(Tank Commune)

28. Ollger 40,237
(Tank Commune)

29. Sodiaan 40,039

30. DimiDrol UA 39,860


31. Xbyte 39,836

32. Triada 39,820

33. PederasT 39,346

34. AlFox 39,333
(Fox Is Free)

35. Zheka 39,011
(Tank Commune)

36. Humerus 38,977

37. Aleksandr Kolchak 38,716
(True Patriot)

38. Vereschag.in 38,374

39. kba3ap 38,117
(Red Army Guards)

40. Xok Honaro 38,062


41. Aldobr 38,024

42. MGB Guy 37,968
(Aussie Marauders)

43. Evil_God 37,870

44. Vaska72 37,772
(Red Army Guards)

45. D'Rogin 37,690
(Russian Armed Forces)

46. Lexer52 37,609

47. Sfog 37,128
(Red Army)

48. Mityavafrike 37,093

49. Zuyza 36,992
(The Corps)

50. mogaba 36,931
(Tank Commune)


51. ePalpatine 36,917
(True Mercenaries)

52. Eastwarrior 36,892
(Red Army Guards)

53. Vladislav.V 36,868
(Russian Armed Forces)

54. Vanished Toy 36,588

55. yioryos 36,474

56. loo_net 36,310

57. Antropophag 36,310
(Tank Commune)

58. A j a x 36,136

59. L1meWaxX 36,117

60. LordShaggynator 36,053
(True Patriot)


61. happyDoc 35,721

62. HrenSGory 35,363
(PKKA Guards)

63. bzzz-bzzz 35,326
(Tank Commune)

64. Mixa87 35,182

65. xiwera 34,601

66. kostpa2 34,324
(Russian Armed Forces)

67. daedalus1024 34,278

68. apfox 34,246

69. flink45 34,023

70. oDdkID 33,483


71. DoinkJoker 33,448

72. amentain 33,395
(Fox Is Free)

73. Hryushkin Aleksandr 33,176
(Russian Armed Forces)

74. Darkyserf 32,890

75. nimnul 32,441
(Tank Commune)

76. PaulPro 32,325
(Red Army Guards)

77. Forzen 32,314

78. Zato Mihalych 32,171
(Red Army Guards)

79. Skip_C_Dragg 31,577
(Red Army Guards)

80. Tenro 31,491


81. Crank.md 31,436
(Zimbrii TMD)

82. KOR_Sohn 31,252

83. Maximus Cunctator 31,125

84. ZeroCoolDark 30,999

85. Naff0 30,745

86. tudor434 30,734
(-Gods of War-)

87. suprim 30,460
(Tank Commune)

88. Ammaria 30,219
(Tank Commune)

89. iUkka 30,188

90. some people going crazy 30,103
(Russian Armed Forces)


91. Cyril27 29,985
(The Special Forces)

92. BenevolentBen 29,977
(Aussie Marauders)

93. Rezeda 29,920
(Tank Commune)

94. ArchiJedi 29,714

95. Jackals90 29,569
(True Patriot)

96. EvGeniy_fareastrrn 29,340

97. Lemurio 29,328
(Tank Commune)

98. Secret Hunter 28,999
(Tank Commune)

99. Ivanov Leonid 28,981

100. KY DBA PA3A 28,947
(Russian Armed Forces)